Monday, September 26, 2011


Saturday was Cate's birthday, and all day I was left wondering where on earth the last four years have gone.  They've seemed to fly by much too fast for my liking.  I remember when Towns turned four and I felt like she was so old.  But part of me still feels like Cate's a baby.  My baby.  Jonathan tells me quite frequently that I baby her more than I need to.  But if she's my last one, then I reserve every right to do so.  Deep down I know I'm not doing her any favors by carrying her around everywhere or feeding her like she's still eating baby food.  It's justified by the fact that her personality, vocabulary, ability to rationalize, and the way she has an answer for everything resembles a mini adult.  If she acted like a baby, I'd stop the babying immediately.  But she doesn't, so if she's still small enough to fit on my hip then that's exactly where she's going to stay.  End of discussion.

She's definitely a force to be reckoned with.  She makes me laugh more times a day than I can keep count of, and no matter what you say she can one-up you.  She's quick witted and can think on her feet like no other child I've ever seen before.  She might be tough on the outside, but she's as tender-hearted as they come.  Her favorite thing in the world is a baby.  She prefers a real one, but will settle for fake ones in the event she can't get her hands on the real thing.  With every passing birthday and Christmas, a 'real live baby' is the number one thing on her wish list.  When we go into a store she tells me that if she sees someone drop a baby on the ground she's going to run grab it and bring it home with her.  Never mind the fact that picking up a dropped baby isn't really like picking up a penny off the ground.  She's pretty serious about it and still has hope that one day it will work out for her.  When her belly hurts, she thinks it's because she's got a baby in it.  I'm not ready to have that discussion yet, so I usually just tell her that that only happens to mommies and change the subject.  To say she's motherly and nurturing is an understatement.  She even calls Towns 'sweetie' and 'honey' when she's talking to her.  There's no place she'd rather be than right up under me.  And if we're cuddling then that's all the better.  She's such a snuggle bug.  She'd rather have yogurt, strawberries, and milk than anything else you could put in front of her.  Grilled chicken or steak and a Greek salad is her idea of a perfect meal.  I don't know where she got her tastes, but it certainly wasn't from her sisters who are junk food junkies!  She's pure joy and keeps us on our toes...but I don't think we'd want it any other way!

When I looked back at these pictures of a little 5 pound baby that was just a few days old, it made me smile and want to cry at the same time...

She was so tiny.  Preemie clothes were entirely too big for her, and most of Towns' baby dolls looked like giants up next to her.  She was born with a little strawberry on her right hand that's still there, and her fourth toe on her left foot is still curled under like it is in this picture...

What I wouldn't give to rewind the years and hold that sweet little thing who was barely big enough to fill up both of my hands again.  I tend to forget just how small she was.  And now, well, she's such a big girl! 

She woke up Saturday morning to chocolate chip pancakes and strawberries...

We stuck four candles in her pancakes and sang to her, naturally!

After a quick shower, we had to get the show on the road.  There were presents and cupcakes that both possessed an apparent magnetic force that Cate couldn't overcome!
She's such a clown...

 The girl loves Olivia with a passion, so that was the theme of her little birthday bash.
She had a blast ripping her presents open...

Towns really got into it, too...

I think she knew that whatever Cate got for her birthday was pretty much hers too...if only they were good about sharing it all!
One thing Buggy wasn't letting go of?
This new toy...

And what would a party be without cupcakes from Corner Bakery?

Delicious and color coordinated!
She must have been doing some sort of birthday cheer here...

And blowing out the candles always takes a few dozen tries...

But the end result is totally worth it...

If it's hard to eat with your hands, just put it down and eat it like an animal...

I promise she does have manners!
After she devoured her cupcake, the birthday girl decided on lunch at Bob Gibson's and wouldn't even think of leaving the house without babies in tow...

Speaking of babies, I had to hop in there between my two...

We told Cate she could pick whatever she wanted to do for the rest of the day.  That included a trip to the park for sure...

 Where she watched her monkey of a sister intently and declared she could probably do the monkey bars since she was officially four...

She gave it a whirl and made it across two hoops before she said she'd try it again when she was five.
The rest of the afternoon was spent putting our imagination to good use in the back yard.  Did you know that wrenches, screwdrivers and a funnel are perfect for a make believe ice cream shop?  Well, they are...

Buggy's a homebody and refused to entertain the idea of going out for a fun birthday dinner.  Pizza Hut and a movie at home equals perfection for such a simple girl.  And with that, we rounded out the 4th birthday of a special little lovey!


  1. I'm right there with ya girl..I still baby Davis and get in trouble all the time about it...but he's my baby and I'm savroing every.single.moment.

  2. OMG! Blair LOVES Olivia!! She told me last night "Mommy, I have something to tell you. I'm not Blair anymore. I'm Olivia, okay?" She and Cate would be some pistols together.
