Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Little of This, A Little of That

Friday was a big day on the home front.  It was Grandparent's Day at Ben Davis, and Grandmommy ever so kindly made the long haul to be here as Towns' VIP.  We had potential to win the award for most grandparents, but we'd seen my dad the weekend before so I didn't burden him with making the trip and Steve was under anesthesia at the hospital so him and my mom coming were out of the question.  Towns loved having Grandmommy all to herself.  They did roughly twenty laps around the school so she could give her the full tour.  I don't think she left a single thing out.  Thanks for being here, Grandmommy!  It's always a treat...

That afternoon the girls took it upon themselves to give me a makeover.  I consented to the hair, but had to draw the line at make-up once I saw what the Joker had done to her own face...

I might be raising two beauty school drop-outs!

After Friday, everything sort of went downhill.  I took Towns to an early morning gymnastics session, and when we got home J asked if I could help put the engine back in his motorcycle (he'd had some work done on it) so he could ride Sunday afternoon.  The Auburn game started at 11:15 and at 11:20 he decided it was as good a time as any to complete this "little task" as he called it.  Three hours and most of the tools hurled into the neighbor's yard out of frustration later, it was done.  One thing we are not?  Mechanics.  But I will admit it was fun tackling a project together...minus the fact that I missed most of the Auburn game.  B will tell you she didn't have a good feeling about him riding on Sunday.  I pretty much never have a good feeling about it, but it is what it is.  So when I got this text Sunday afternoon it proved us both right...
"Bike blew up and then took a 'mild' digger on Kevin's 450. I sent you an injury update on Twitter."
{That's motocross lingo for his engine blowing up (again), him not being quite ready to hang it up for the day, he got on his friend's brand new motorcycle with twice the power as his, and then wrecked it.}
I can laugh about it now.  But I read right through him.  He was scared to death to call and tell me he'd gotten hurt yet again, so he tweeted it thinking it would soften the blow.  Last time he had a bad wreck he called to tell me after a trip to the ER and I lost it.  Not too long after that he sent me a picture of him in a sling holding up a sign (that he couldn't write himself because of his broken wrist) that said, "I love you".  He had the most pitiful look on his face so it was hard to be too upset about it.  I think the thing that gets me the most is the thought of something happening that Neosporin or a surgery won't fix.  He never ceases to amaze me.  This was his report via Twitter...
"Injuries - knee, eye, collar bone"
What that really meant was:
When I flew off the motorcycle, a foot peg caught my knee, tore it to pieces and there's a gaping hole in it that would greatly benefit from stitches, but I'm too much of a tough guy for that.  I have a black eye that will scare the children for the next three days if I so much as look at them.  And I can't move my left arm because I've more than likely seriously injured my shoulder, but once again I refuse to go to the doctor because it would probably require surgery and you can hang that up.
A couple of years ago when he almost broke his femur and then last year when he had to get a plate and eleven screws in his wrist because of motocross injuries, he vowed to never do anything that would affect his ability to function in our family.  So Sunday when he got home and we nursed his wounds, he was bound and determined to keep it business as usual.  He took the girls to the park for over an hour to try to prove he could do it.  I let him go thinking he'd be right back home in a matter of minutes.  And let's not overlook the fact that he rode a bicycle to the park to further prove he was fine.  Later than night Bethany and I came to the conclusion that he must have suffered a serious concussion.  Even yesterday I was still a little worried about him because he just wasn't quite right.  I know this because I spent a couple of hours with him taking out his engine so he could have it repaired again and he couldn't really complete a thought, much less put it into a sentence.  So far, his knee is healing without stitches, he's currently teaching a training class with a swollen black and purple eye, and he yells out in pain when he moves his left shoulder.  It's a good thing I love him so much.  Tolerance must be my middle name! 

In other news, Towns has finally mastered the bracelet making business she set out to start a while back.  She still thinks she can set up a table on our front porch and sell them by the dozens to passers by, but I'm trying to convince her that online sales might be better.  She knew exactly what she wanted to do. And other than sewing the button on and a few minor little details with the sewing machine that I had to take care of, she did it all on her own...

That's not the clearest of pictures, but it's super cute and I think she might be onto something!
That is, if she can take a break from teaching her "class" long enough to focus on her business...

Maybe she's teaching them a lesson in first aid.
If J keeps it up, we'll need a few more nurses around here...

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