Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Adios October!

I'm in the business of getting myself caught up on a lot of things.  Laundry, work, emails, and blogging (of course!). I'm working backwards here, so bear with me...

Sunday night was a big night for Towns.  It's something she'd been waiting for and asking about since she moved up to the first grade Sunday School class in August.  First grade Bible presentation...

I really don't think I've ever seen her so excited about anything in her life.  She's been waiting on that "big girl Bible" for a few long months.  She was out like a light that night because she had a big weekend with Grandmommy and Pop so we didn't get to dive into it, but last night before bed we read the Christmas story from the book of Luke. She's become a really good reader (I was worried there for a bit), and has developed a love for it like her Bebby.  It's precious to hear her reading from her own Bible.  We jumped over to the next book where I pointed out John 3:16.  Unlike the version we all learned as youngsters, this particular one reads exactly like one of her favorite songs from VBS.  "For God loved the world in this way, he gave His One and Only Son, so that anyone who believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." The thing about that song is that it's of the rap variety.  Like all VBS songs, this one will forever more be burned into our memory, so you can't help but say the verse in the same beat as the song.  Listening to her rap John 3:16 as she read it was a little weird, but it works so we'll go with it.

 Still moving in reverse order...
On Halloween, Towns got to pick out a book character to dress up as for school.  We were so close to going for Pinkalicious, but opted for more low-key (i.e. cheaper and easier).
Can you guess what she was?

If You Give a Cat a Cupcake!  For some reason she's a cat who likes pointing to her tail??
Halloween isn't complete without a class party, you know...

I've said it before, but I really do love that Towns likes us being at her school.  The shelf life on that isn't long, or so I've heard.  But for now I'm loving it...

After a quick trip around the circle for everyone to use good adjectives to describe their characters, it was party time.  There was no shortage of crafts and sweets!
 Towns was hard at work making her Halloween bookmark and ghost Tootsie Pop...

These sweet girls all sit at the same table...

I could eat them with a spoon!
After the party, Mrs. Propst turned them loose on the playground to run off the half ton of sugar they'd consumed.  I was thanking her for that.  And after school, I couldn't resist a picture of the three amigos...

Fancy Nancy (Emma), Harry Potter (Conner), and Towns.

Mid-October brought a field trip to the pumpkin patch.  We went to Lyon Family Farms which is just over the TN state line.  It was a first for us, and I do believe we liked it better than Tate Farms.  It wasn't nearly as crowded and had more things to do that the girls enjoyed. While we loved going to kindergarten at our church, Towns didn't get to experience a lot of "firsts" that you do when you get to real school.  Like riding on the bus for the first time.  It might as well have been a bus heading straight for Disney World by the excitement level Towns woke up with that morning.  Goodness.  If you haven't learned this yet, she very much dives in and rolls around in anything school related.  She enjoys it to the fullest.  She was all smiles lined up with her class waiting for the bus to pull up in front of the school...

She and Emma are always right up under Mrs. Propst if at all possible.
Cute little 1st graders...

When we arrived, the class gathered for a group shot...

I didn't get the best picture, but it's all about the memories anyway.  And there were lots made...

Do you spy two little munchkins in this one?

Ella joined us.  It's was for the best, and Ella's like family so it's always easier to have her with us.  When they're not together, they're asking why they can't be together so most days they're together.  Togetherness.
Yep, that pretty much sums those two up!

At least five people that day asked me if they were related.  Not because they look anything alike, but because they absolutely, positively love each other and go everywhere hand in hand.  Sweetness!
When we went on the hayride to the pumpkin patch, the little ones found their pumpkins right off the bat.  I told them to pick the smallest one they could find because they were carrying it...not me!  Towns wouldn't hear of picking a small pumpkin.  She wanted one big enough to carve and it had to be perfect.  Therefore she had a little meltdown because she couldn't find just the right one.  Emma put her arm around her and they set out in search of "the one"...

She finally found one.  That might have been because the wagon was about to leave us if she didn't hurry it on up!  Once the pumpkins were chosen, it was a free-for-all on the playgrounds and the inflatables...

That slide was all but vertical.  Towns said it made her stomach do a flip!

After several hundred trips down the slide, it was time to call it a day.
Apparently the school bus is better than what I recall. Towns begged to ride it back home instead of riding with yours truly who could offer her a DVD player and the ever so healthy convenience store snack.  I totally get it, though.  And I can't say that I blame her.  But what I can officially now say is...
Adios October!

Not before I mix business with pleasure and tell you about the Smitten & Company sample sale, though!  Ready to ship samples at a discount...can't beat that!  They'll all be listed by tomorrow, including lots of Thanksgiving and Christmas samples.  What's even better?  Free shipping, naturally.
Now go shop!

1 comment:

  1. Guess I missed the sample sale! :( Nevermind, I have a closet full of shirts that I need to mail!!!
