Wednesday, November 16, 2011

High of 70 and Sprinkles

Did I miss the memo that summer temps now last through Thanksgiving?  It's not unusual to see us like this given the fact that it's still 70 degrees here...

Short sleeves and bare feet!
This was the other day when J tried to teach Cate to ride the scooter that he brought home from work because it had been sitting there for months going unused.  Who knows whose it is.  But if it can double as something dangerous, then it automatically has major appeal to my husband...

Buggy wasn't interested in those kinds of tricks.
She was just trying to get the hang of getting her foot just right...

It didn't come easily.  She practiced and practiced...

And her daddy was there to give her lots of love when she fell and got really frustrated...

So sweet.
Since we're on the topic...

There's a lot of love in that picture.
Lots of Chi O, ADPi, Phi Mu love.
We all go way back to our good ol' Auburn days. And as it stands, no major life-changing event goes without celebration!  Oakes hosted us in her beautiful home to "sprinkle" Anna Kate and Baby Libby with essentials and fun goodies.  I always wish the hours lasted for days because it ends way too soon for my liking.  Roommate, you are in for such a treat being the mom of two precious little girls! 
Naturally, we lined up a few photo ops and put our Canons to work for us...

I didn't realize how worn down I looked until I saw these larger than life on the computer screen. Good grief!

I was not a member of this club...

I dare you to try to find a group of cuter pregnant women.
It simply can't be done.
It's funny how the conversations differ as we get older.  We used to talk about the damage we did on the Plains.  Now we're talking about the damage our children will do when they get there a few years on down the road.  And poor Virginia.  With all the labor and delivery talk, I'm not sure she'll ever be the same again.  You're such a sport, VLD!
It was a great day spent with even greater friends who really feel more like family!

This is all over the place.  Now I'm moving on to Christmas crafting which is how we spent our Fetch Day.  That's Veteran's Day to most folks, but somehow Cate heard Fetch Day.  I think she could be her own reality show.  She's the funniest, most expressive kid ever.
Anyway, we spent our morning making Christmas ornaments...
I believe I see lots of craft supplies in store for Christmas because there's nothing more that those two love to do than draw, color, write, and "make".
They roped their daddy into buying them mini Christmas trees from Target that (of course) needed to be decorated...
They stayed in their PJs for a few extra hours since they were way too busy to be disturbed.  That almost sent my OCD self over the edge.  My day doesn't go right if we don't stick to our schedule.  I'm working on that.  And for Pete's sake, it was a holiday.  I have to remind myself to relax. :) We also made another fun Christmas happy.  Can you guess what it was?
If you do guess and you make it for yourself, you probably should be smarter than me and not give your children needles so freely.  We had a lesson in how to use them without stabbing ourselves, and somehow we avoided any catastrophes...
Here's to prepping for Christmas in November, and being thankful all the while!


  1. Loved seeing you on sat! It never lasts long enough does it?! It's time to start watching your phone, I may need my doula any minute:) oh and ps, how did I miss those cute owl pj's???

  2. Great post TT! Yes, I loved being w all my gals as well! There is never enough talk about mesh panties, ice packs, and pushing is there?!?!

  3. The sad thing is I'm used to all that prego talk by now! haha TT, so glad you wouldn't have been the same without you!
