Monday, November 21, 2011

How Sweet It Is!

Bethany's birthday festivities started Friday morning with impromptu kitchen decorations and swiftly wrapped presents.  I'd been so caught up in planning her "Sweet 16" birthday dinner that I hadn't really considered when we'd let her open her gifts from us.  She asked me the night before if we could pretend like Friday morning was her real birthday morning.  How could I say no to that?  So I woke the girls up at 6 a.m. to get it all underway.  They hopped right out of bed and got dressed immediately because they were just that excited.  If you have a secret, don't tell Cate.  She went straight to B and told her not to come in the kitchen because we were decorating for a surprise party which sent Towns into hysterics.  The reason behind it was likely twofold. She tells everything you tell her not to, and she loves to push her sister's buttons.  Go figure.
Cat out of the bag or not, it was fun celebrating B's big 16th birthday at the crack of dawn...
In true Bethany fashion, we cut right to the chase and let her tear into her gifts...
She loved her new boots from Grandymommy and Pop...
And tortoise shell Ray Bans are a must for a new driver...
Time for candles in a bagel and the birthday song...
The little ones always get a big kick out of singing to their Bebby!
Quick group shot before she headed off to her last school day as a 15 year old...

Friday night was major.  She'd been talking for a couple of months about inviting her friends over for a birthday dinner party.  After I got over a last minute anxiety attack about cooking for 10 without a double oven, we managed to pull it off without a hitch.  J took the girls out for a date night while lots of teenage girls invaded the house.  I invited B's mom to come tackle it all with me.  One thing's for sure...if all else fails, we can waitress for a living.  It was a fabulous night spent celebrating an even more fabulous young lady...
I went with the cliche "Sweet 16" theme.  As in table decorations of giant lollipops, pink cotton candy, and M&Ms to match the party colors.  They might as well be cute and edible, right?!  So functional!  I do believe all the girls had a great time.  I came to that conclusion when April and I could barely hear ourselves talk because the dining room was roaring with laughter.  It did my heart good.
I think they all enjoyed themselves.  Check that one off the list!

Today brought quite possibly the most exciting part of the birthday celebration.  B's mom took her to get her license this morning, and after some unexpected complications and delays (DMV key MIA, two hour delay in taking her test, etc.) we finally met in Birmingham for what B thought would be us picking her up like normal.  She knew she was getting a car, but didn't know what kind.  We told her that it wouldn't be ready until noon today.  She thought it would be sitting in the driveway when we got back home.  Little did she know, it would be sitting right where we were supposed to meet in Birmingham.  I was hiding and waiting to catch it all on camera.  She got out of her mom's car and saw the brand new Honda Civic parked next to her with the keys laying on the front seat...

With a Starbucks gift card attached and ready to be swiped, naturally!
She was ecstatic... 
Sounds like the perfect surprise for a 16 year old, right?
 Until she pulled the door handle and nothing happened.  That would be thanks to yours truly who didn't think that the car might automatically lock when I shut the door after placing the keys so nicely where I knew she'd see them.  Genius.  I wanted to cry.  I wanted to throw up.  I wanted to beat my head against the pavement.  Brand spanking new car right there in front of her and she can't even open the door to smell just how new it is.  Talk about a heart breaker.  I was physically sick.  And after the day she'd had, she was too.
We called a locksmith and after two hours of not so patiently waiting, this angel from heaven zipped into the parking lot in a AAA truck, unlocked the door in 3 minutes flat, got back in his truck and drove off without so much as asking for any form of payment.  I know that's what AAA is for...if you're a member.  We're not, and he was not the locksmith that was supposed to be on his way.  I didn't realize that until we'd been on I65 heading north for ten minutes and the real locksmith called to ask where we were.  Pretty sure that nice AAA man was a God send.  He totally deserves credit for saving the day...
If there was a National Lampoon's 16th Birthday movie, this would be it.  Goodness.
After that, it was as if nothing had ever happened and B was back to her old, excited self...
She and Ellie were ready to roll...
I will beat myself up about that episode for years to come, I'm sure.  Thank the good Lord above for great friends who had Towns and Cate and told us not to worry about a thing.  What a day!

As I'm typing this, I'm nauseous over the fact that I'm home all alone.  Normally that would be sort of fabulous.  But the reason I'm home alone is because Bethany picked the girls up from playing with their friends and took them to Zen Beri.  They've been planning it for months.  And they quickly let me know it was a sisters only trip!  My nerves will never be the same.  I trust B totally.  It's just that feeling of fear and loss of control.

Regardless of all the drama...
Hope your birthday was the best ever, Bebby.
You deserve all of that and more.  And I have a feeling it's one you won't soon forget!
We're headed to spend a few days at Callaway Gardens...Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


  1. Oh TT! What a great post! Im dying laughing over the locksmith incident!! Tell Bebby I said Happy Sweet 16! It's one of those birthdays that you never forget (kind of like your 21st). :)

  2. That locksmith snafu sounds just like something that would happen to the Decker girls! Happy sweet 16 to Bethany! She is one lucky girl!
