Sunday, November 20, 2011


Today's the day!  The day we've been counting down to for practically years.  It first started when Bebby turned 13...
 A real teenager.  Three more years until she turned 16...we talked about that a lot!

Another year passed and she turned the big 1-4...
 Only two more years to go!

It became so real last year...
 15!  Learners permit in hand, she chauffeured us around for an entire year.  That day was the day we started the real countdown.  It didn't seem like today would ever get here, but here we are!  And here she is...
The most beautiful 16 year old in the world!
Happy birthday, Bebby!
We love you!!!


  1. Happy sweet 16 Bethany!!! Pinch me..I'm still in shock! Hugs to the birthday girl!! Can't wait to see more bday pics..I know it was a partaaay weekend!

  2. Wow, Bethany!! You are soooo beautiful! I hope you enjoy the big 1-6!
