Friday, December 16, 2011

Back Door Surprise

Why I bother to iron clothes for Cate to wear in the morning is a mystery to me.  I suppose it's just a formality, as she probably needs to be dressed when we go to drop Towns off at school.
We started out like this yesterday...
And not even five minutes after we were back at home she looked like this...
You know you're jealous.  Doesn't everyone want to look like that?
If it weren't for funky dance attire, she wouldn't stay clothed.

Changing the subject here...
Why is it that if something crazy is going to happen, it's going to happen to us?
A faint whimpering sound kept me up all night Wednesday night. I searched the house in the pitch black dark trying to figure out what it was.  When I was coherent enough to realize the sound was coming from outside our bedroom window, I looked out to find a teeny, tiny puppy on our back door step.  So mysterious.  Especially considering the fact that our back yard resembles Ft. Knox since our massive black lab is an escape artist.  Even the tiniest puppy couldn't wiggle his way in if his life depended on it.  My first thought was that someone put it there because they couldn't take care of it.  Jonathan was quick to tell me I'd lost my mind and that no one would put an orphaned dog on our steps like it's a baby in a basket.  I knew I should have gone with my instincts and not woken him up in the first place.  It sounded totally rational and logical to me at 2 a.m.  Not so much now, but regardless we have a puppy that our children think the elf left for them as an early Christmas present.  Really?  I mean, really?
Now the question is what on earth do we do with it?  It doesn't look like a puppy someone lost and would be looking for.  But I can't bring myself to take it to the animal shelter.  He's cute and extremely friendly, but he's not staying here...
I may eat my words on that, though.
I'll gladly take an suggestions...or any offers to take him off of our hands!
Any takers?  He would make a great Christmas present for someone, I just know it.
Maybe I'll start a game of Pass the Puppy and put him in my neighbor's back yard tonight.
Kidding.  Well, sort of...


  1. If only we lived closer! My sister wants a Beagle before her husband gets deployed. We live across the contry in Washington State. Bummer.

  2. Awww...he's so cute. you have to keep him!
