Sunday, December 18, 2011

Toby & The Nutcracker

The orphaned pooch is still a happy resident at our house, as is evidenced by these pictures...
There's no shortage of love where Toby (or Ears as J calls him) is concerned.  I definitely wouldn't mind him staying around after he showed us what a good little puppy he is.  Any dog that can tolerate being carried around like a baby 24/7 is a champ in my book.  Cate eats, sleeps, and breathes playing mama to him.  And a fine one she's been.  If you'll notice, there's not a picture of the dog where she's not trying to get her hands on him if she's not the one holding him.  But Santa's elves have put in a request to make someone's Christmas a little merrier by surprising them with Toby.  We'll be sad to see him go, but he's sort of staying in family!

It was a whirlwind weekend with it being Towns' first ever appearance in The Nutcracker at the Princess...
She lives for the stage, so she was naturally loving life.  Friday night dress rehearsal was long and we were all delirious by the time it was over and done with.  Seriously.  This is proof...
Buggy wasn't about to be outdone by her sister being decked out in ballet attire, so I pulled out my ballet costume from 1984 and she was ready to roll.  Most days I wouldn't let her leave the house like this, but you know, sometimes you just don't fight it.  It made her feel so special.

The four of us were there to watch Towns in the 2 o'clock performance Saturday afternoon.  She nailed her role as a fluffy white sheep...
Of course, before the show started flowers had to be purchased.  Little sisters don't quite understand why they don't get to do everything big sisters get to do.  Which is why these two little sisters ended up with their own flowers too...
Remember that whole "not worth fighting" thing?  That principle applies here.
Towns was so happy to see her daddy and Bebby after the show...
And after another show at 7 o'clock, the ballerina was ready to hang up her ballet shoes and call it a night.  It's been a while since I've seen her that tired.  There's no rest for the weary, though.  We'll be Christmas partying all day Monday and Tuesday.  Once that's under our belt, school will be out and we fully intend to enjoy the last few days before Christmas to the fullest.  It's so hard to believe it's almost here!

1 comment:

  1. Those lamb costumes are ADORABLE! And off the subject, who gave Bethany make-up lessons? She looks beautiful!
