Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

This time last year, this post was entitled "White Christmas".  This year, "Wet Christmas" would be an appropriate title.  The big, red sled Santa left under our tree in anticipation of round two of a white Christmas didn't get put to good use.  With this Alabama weather it might very well be in March, but I have a feeling we'll eventually log some hours on that sled.  I always think that our Christmas couldn't possibly be any better than the year before, and then it happens.  It's better.  Not so much in the "bigger is better" department, but more in the "we're blessed better than we ever deserve" department.  If that even makes sense.  We have a healthy family and more than we could ever need.  I consider that blessed!  It seems like we were reminded in several different ways this season that we're never promised tomorrow.  I have been very much convicted that sweating the small stuff is hardly ever worth it, it's the little things in life that really make me happy, and it's not what you have but who you have that makes my world go 'round.  That said, let's dive in head first into Christmas 2011...

The fun started Christmas Eve with a baking session with jolly ol' St. Nicholas in mind...
We didn't have big plans on Christmas Eve, therefore the day seemed to last forever.  I remember that feeling when I was the girls' age.  I had to fill their time with fun projects.  Otherwise they'd ask me if it was "time" over and over and over again!  We made peanut butter and Hershey kiss cookies along with a new cookie brownie recipe I found.  We love cookies, and we love brownies.  It was a win/win!  My dad rolled into town to spend the night with us.  After a warm dinner on a cold night, we hit the road to look at Christmas lights and see if we could spot Rudolph's bright red nose.  That always makes getting in the bed a quick process once we get home.  Everyone knows that Santa doesn't come until all the kids are asleep!  That's when the fun begins...This year we had a conversation with Santa about keeping it practical and reasonable.  In years past, it has looked like Toys R Us blew up in our living room.  And truth be told, the girls end up not playing with half of what they get.  So we did things a little differently this time.  Towns is a big time reader these days and got lots of new reading material...
Peace signs are the name of the game at her age.  So a new peace sign dance bag filled with new dance clothes was a must...

Buggy's really into trying to do everything her sister does which includes writing and spelling.  She also loves to try to read.  Santa totally delivered...
A last minute decision at the pet store was the real winner on Christmas morning...
Meet Cate's new male beta fish named Britney...
I suppose the girly name is fitting regardless of the fact that it's a boy.  After all, he's orange, pink and purple and has the girliest home a fish could ever have!

 Christmas morning came early.  I always get up before daylight because I just can't help it.  Towns was an early riser, too.  She tiptoed into our bedroom, told me she'd waited as long as she possibly could, and asked if it was ok that she was up so early.  God love her.  I gave her a huge Merry Christmas hug and told her that I was wondering why she'd slept so late!  We quickly woke Buggy up and they hit the ground running to see just what Santa had left for them...

They checked out a few things that Santa left out...

 Cate was so happy to find a new arts and crafts box that was all hers...

The jury is still out on the pink electric scooter...

Towns is a little gun shy of going fast since her bike wreck a few months ago!
 And cue the major smile when the fish was discovered...
Would Christmas be complete without owls?  Hardly!

Little did we know, Grandmommy had a few owl treats waiting on the girls, too!
A quick picture before the wrapping paper explosion...

 Commence operation destroy the living room...
We loved every minute of it, too!!
Even Cate got into opening gifts this year.  Usually she'll open a few and then leave her daddy to finish the rest for her.  Notice who was under the tree looking for more boxes with C-a-t-e on the nametag, though...
She knew she was caught in the act...
Towns told me when she woke up that morning that she had a dream about what it would be like to open a Kindle Fire on Christmas.  I was glad it was hidden in the very back so that it was the last thing that she'd open...

 She couldn't believe her eyes!

Besides Britney the fish, Cate's absolute favorite gift was her Baby Alive that she affectionately named Eloise.  So far she hasn't let Eloise out of her sight...
I'm starting to feel like we have a newborn with the way Eloise is eating, drinking, and using up boat loads of diapers.  But for now, it's cured Cate's longing for a real baby.  Between taking care of Britney and Eloise, she's got her hands full.  The baby thrives on being a mama of some sort!
Daddy and two of his three girls on Christmas morning...
And it wouldn't be complete without a picture with Paw Paw...

While I cooked a big breakfast, the girls played with their most favorite new toys...
This has been the scene around here ever since!
After our bellies were full, we made our way to Selma to meet Bethany at Grandmommy and Pop's house.  Usually we pick her up on our way, but since she's a licensed driver things have changed.  Last year we talked about how we couldn't believe that in 365 days she'd be driving herself to Selma on Christmas day.  And here we are.  It just wasn't the same, Bebby!  But some things never change.  Like her not being able to wait to dive into what Santa left for her at our house...

 I dare not try to pick out clothes for her anymore, so she got but one article of clothing...

Other than a few things she'd specifically asked for, it was gift card central!  She wouldn't have it any other way, though.  What new driver wouldn't be excited about driving herself to the mall armed with lots of prepaid plastic?!
Sweet sisters...

We were so excited to see our cousin Keaton on Christmas day...

Although, I think we should have given him a new sweatshirt of the Auburn variety instead of a remote controlled helicopter!

The girls had a blast seeing what Grandmommy and Pop had given them...

Vera Bradley for Towns, and new Pottery Barn Kids doll treasures for Cate...

Bethany got a huge surprise when she opened the formal dress she's been drooling over for a couple of months.  I can't wait for that post, trust me!
J looked on while carrying out the task Buggy put him in charge of...

Now that's a good man.  And he's mine, all mine!

I think these two grandparents were in heaven having all their grandbabies under one roof...

We spent the rest of Christmas day visiting family we don't get to see nearly enough.  It always comes too quickly and ends too soon.  What a wonderful day spent celebrating the birth of our Savior!
Hope your Christmas was merry and bright!


  1. Looks like yall had a very Merry Christmas!!! :) Mack got a Kindle fire too and loves it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shoe LaLa, Pinkalicious, Baby Alive.... Looks a lot like my house did Cmas morning! So fun!
