Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Partying

The past couple of days have full of parties, sweets, and good times.  And quite honestly, after yesterday's festivities ended (the last day of school until next year) I thought I would drop.  This time of the year is always so busy, but I don't ever remember it being like this.  Regardless, the girls had a blast Monday and Tuesday at their PJ days and class parties.  Cate's came first which was a treat because she feels like she's always last in everything.  She took great pride in sporting her fleece jammies to school even though it was sixty-something degrees outside.  These kiddos move too quick for me to ever snap a good picture, and this was the best I came away with...
Between pizza, cupcakes, Little Debbies, candy, chips, and Kool-Aid...well, you can only imagine what a sight it was!  Afterwards, we headed straight to Ben Davis to help Towns' class make some special ornaments...
Those little boxes contain their Christmas wish lists.  Emma's mom came up with the idea, I tried to do my part to help execute it.  It's a treasure that's now hanging on our tree!  Every child got three strips of paper to write their wishes on, and somehow my child swiped extras.  She had so many wishes that her box would barely close.  That girl is a mess!
Did I mention they spent the day in their PJs, too?  There's just something about wearing pajamas to school that makes it light years better than any normal day.  Why is that?

Usually getting Towns up in the mornings is a chore, but she hopped up with bright eyes yesterday because it was Christmas Extravaganza day.  Before their big show, the kids took turns handing out stocking stuffers to all their friends.  Emma, Towns, Mary Reese and Eliza were patiently waiting to fill their stockings...
Such a cute bunch of chickadees!
Here's hoping that our salt dough peace sign ornaments made it home with everyone in one piece.  Probably should have given that a little more thought, but it was a fun project!
Group shot...
I didn't take nearly the amount of pictures I wanted to.  Now is the time I start getting sentimental that the first half of the year is gone.  Towns is going to have a hard time leaving Mrs. Propst's class behind.  So am I.  She's beyond phenomenal, and we might be a tad bit spoiled by her!  Ok, ok.  We're way spoiled.
 After lunch, it was Christmas Extravaganza time which included some new twists on some old favorites.  These 1st and 2nd graders sang like little song birds, shook what their mama gave them, and put on a great show...
Towns had a little part to say which was a whopping four words, but with the way she practiced you would think she had the lead role...
They all were great, and I must confess I had to watch it though a few tears in my eye!
We went back to the classroom after the big show to finish up the party.  These two will likely be on a sugar high for the next few days...
Today has been a day already.  Merry first day of Christmas break to me.  Before I knew what was happening I caught Towns in my sewing box, Cate in my make up (after she'd drawn all over her shirt with purple marker), and they confessed to each eating three leftover party cupcakes while I wasn't looking.  As if their faces covered in chocolate didn't give that one away.  The cherry on top was Buggy's explanation. "We becided (or decided) that afteh thwee we wasn't gonna eat anymore." That's all it took to remind me that keeping them busy with organized projects is the key to survival.
Merry, merry y'all!

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