Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bowling & a Half Birthday

With Monday being a day of no school thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr., we made sure to fill it up just right.  We had a long list of things to accomplish.  All fun things, of course!  It started out with Towns the Restauranteur opening Bananas & Candy for business.  Apparently that's the name of her hot spot.  She had two things on the menu: banana smoothies and candy.  Sounds like a winner to me...
 We didn't have plain yogurt for her smoothies which was totally unacceptable to such a professional.  Cate agreed to let us use her beloved strawberry squeeze yogurt to improvise and made me pink promise to buy her more before the end of the day.  Given the fact that Towns is really serious when it comes to playing restaurant, there was no way we were having anything for breakfast that wasn't on the menu.  So strawberry banana smoothies and candy it was.

They were pumped about the day ahead.  After a lunch date at their favorite Asian spot, it was time to trade in the sparkly silver ballet flats for the ever-so-stylish bowling shoes.  I forget we even have a bowling alley.  I'm glad I happened to remember Monday because it was great entertainment.  For me and for them!  They bowled, I watched and laughed.  They're pretty funny...
They discovered this metal contraption that helped them get their ball going straight down the center...
I've never seen such in my life, but it worked!
They both got so excited for each other when they bowled strikes.
There were quite a few happy dances performed!

Next on our "to do" list was preparation for something really special...Mrs. Propst's surprise 1/2 birthday celebration!  Since she has a July birthday, we thought it was only fitting that a "birthday in a box" be waiting on her Tuesday morning at school so the kids could celebrate with her...
With the help of other sweet moms in the class, we gathered everything needed for a super fun birthday party.  Including a little Carriage House goodie!
It took four hands to get it there...
Two of those hands belonged to a very windblown Cate!
Mrs. Propst had to open a note explaining what was in store before she opened the box...
It was a note that went on and on about how special she is, how much the kids love her, and how they couldn't think of a more fun person to celebrate.  I think it's safe to say that she was surprised when she opened the box and balloons popped out...
Especially since she had no idea it was even her half birthday!
Everyone absolutely could not wait for her to dig in...
She proudly wore her birthday tiara all day and proclaimed herself "queen of the world"...
To say she's loved would be an understatement.
That's one fabulous half birthday girl!


  1. Thanks for organizing! She is definitely loved and it is well deserved!

  2. another precious set of outfits...I "thought" I bought something of that lollywolly for Mack but they never invoiced has it worked for you in the past??
