Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Somebody Call 9-1-1

Yesterday was one of those days.  You know, one of these kinds of days...
The kind where you're desperately trying to get a home cooked meal in everyone despite the crazy Monday night dance schedule and you end up using your daughter's take home folder as a fire starter because you inadvertently turn on the wrong eye of the stove.  Yep.  That kind.  (And apparently today's the kind of day where run on sentences are perfectly acceptable.)  It's a miracle we still have a house standing after that episode.  Goodness.

The good news is that despite melting Towns' folder to pieces, these two are always willing to provide a few laughs right in the middle of the chaos...
Towns was doing her spelling home work (I didn't set that on fire) and had to pick five spelling words from her list of ten to use in sentences.  Being the ever so helpful sister, Bethany gave her a couple of suggestions:
1. My sister Bethany is my favorite.
2. My sister Cate is scary.
That's when Towns did this...

And said, "ohhhh Bethany."  She ended up using the one about Bethany being her favorite.  She did not use the one about Cate being scary.  Instead, she should have used this one:
3. My mother's ability to set things on fire in the kitchen is amazing.
Did I tell you about the time I laid J's brand new motocross pants on the kitchen counter...right over a lit candle?  Better keep that one to myself.  He's yet to let me forget it.  Especially given the fact that they were so hard to find.  One of a kind.  Straight from Australia.  I doubt I'd let me forget that one either.

Speaking of laughs...
The Wii has been a good source of them lately.  The other night the little ones begged J to play Just Dance Kids with them.  Bethany and I stood in the background laughing until we were crying while we got it all on video and camera...
He'll kill me for this.  Oh well...'tis better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission! I'm pretending I didn't hear him say, "those pictures better not end up on the internet."

Our family has reached a whole new level as of Sunday afternoon.  All five of us are now capable of riding on only two wheels...
Buggy was beyond excited to learn how to ride her bicycle without training wheels!  Actually, this is Towns' old bike, and the only way she can stop is to throw both legs over to one side and hop off.  When we take the training wheels off of her bike she'll be able to put her feet down to stop since it's smaller.  Or better yet, use the brakes.  There's a new concept!  I'm finding out that she's learning new things at an early age.  Turns out having big sisters really lights a fire under you.  She definitely doesn't like to feel left out and wants to be able to do everything they do.  Can't say that I blame her.  If this isn't proof she there's something to the whole concept of adoring your big sister, I don't know what is...
Towns was already asleep the other night when Cate got right up under her and dozed off.

I'll leave you with my latest obsession...
I stumbled upon it in Target the other night and told my dear husband that I couldn't live without it.  So he happily purchased the Floral Cherrynova shampoo, conditioner and body lotion for me.  It's divine.  Seriously divine.  The cherry on top (no pun intended) is that it's made by Burt's Bees!  Usually I get things like this and love them for the smell or how pretty they are, but don't love them for the way they work.  Proud to report that's not the case here.  It's a win/win!

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