Tuesday, April 10, 2012

For the Love of Easter!

How many ways can you celebrate Easter?  I have 385 pictures on my camera if that's any indication!  There were Easter egg hunts galore, that's for sure.  Cate kicked it off with her Easter party at school last Wednesday...
Cate and Brock are two peas in a pod...
They stick together most of the time.  He's as sweet as they come, and they love each other like crazy.
This year she definitely had egg hunting down to a science.  She wasted no time getting on with it...
Last year she took her dear, sweet time and it made no difference to her if she didn't have the first egg in her basket. It was full speed ahead this time around, though...
From that day forward, it was nothing but an Easter blur...and we enjoyed every minute of it!
Towns had her class egg hunt on Thursday...

Mary Bibb, Emma and Towns waiting for "ready, set, go"...
Everyone in the class went in one direction, and Towns went in another...
The little sisters handled it all really well given the fact they weren't the ones hunting...
Cate mostly just told everyone where the eggs were that she'd helped hide...
Towns was proud of her basket full, but of course they bartered and traded with each other and divided them all out...

Someone in the class brought eggs that were bright colors and covered in peace signs.  Genius.  They were a hot commodity, and Cate was majorly pouting about her sister giving her a polka dot egg instead of the desired peace sign egg...

We had to snap out of that really quick before we made a trip to the car for a little chat.  One of the boys in the class ended up trading her for the one she wanted, so it was all fine in the end.  It was my job to make it clear that pouting wasn't the way to get what she wanted, though!
Precious friends...
Towns and Mrs. Propst...

Blondie loves that sweet lady!

We were out of school the next day for Good Friday.  I've always felt it odd that the day Jesus died on the cross is called "good".  The girls asked that very question Friday as we were talking about it.  I explained that the beauty of it is that what happened on Good Friday and then on Easter Sunday is nothing but good for sinners like us.  Amazing to think about!

Saturday was filled with fun and fellowship at the First Baptist Hide & Hunt.  We were there bright and early that morning to help set up for it, which was perfect for two little girls who love to run around and play at Mallard Stables.  They had a ball for a few hours and we probably could have called it a day after that.  But after a quick rest and wardrobe change, we headed back for the main event.  Cate was beyond thrilled that Ella was there...

They're so close, and they truly love each other to pieces!

When it was time for the egg hunt for their age group, they were hand in hand most of the time.  And when they'd bend down to pick up an egg, they'd give it to the other one to put in her basket...

While they hunted eggs, Towns' group had relay races...

She was glued to Madelyn the entire time...

This is when it would be fabulous to be able to be in two places at once.  J hung with Towns and I stayed with Cate so I have no more pictures of Towns.  Sad!  The little ones had story time with Miss Sara where she told the Easter story with a butterfly illustration.  Each color on the butterfly had a different meaning...

While they were listening to their story, Mrs. Kristy was telling the same one to the older kids.  When they were done, everyone got real butterflies to release at the same time.  A symbol of new life and a new beginning...

Although Buggy wasn't too sure that her butterfly was still living.  She was right.  But we traded it in for one that was alive and then she was good to go!
After that, we had fun on the zip line until it was time to wrap it up...

We'd been letting her all but fly down at mock speed until we sort of got in trouble and they sent a member of the youth group over to supervise us adults.  She walked with the kids the whole way down instead of letting them go fast, and you can see on Cate's face that she wasn't thrilled about it...

She doesn't hide her emotions very well!
After a family photo op, the girls went with the Tourneys to another egg hunt and came home as happy as two kids could possibly be...
They were exhausted that night and ever so ready for Easter morning, so getting them to bed was a breeze!

They had baskets full of fun goodies waiting on them Sunday morning...
You can't see it in the picture, but the Easter Bunny left a trail of paw prints.  Towns is always so excited about that, but Cate paused for .5 seconds before she said, "hmmm, looks like sidewalk chalk to me."  Nice.  Can't fool the four year old!
The only thing missing from all this is Bethany.  Of course she had a basket waiting on her when she got home from her mom's that night, but she flies through it so fast there's hardly any room for pictures...
I wish I could Photoshop her in all the rest of these!

The girls were dying to get to the front door that morning.  It's always fun watching them figure out which basket is theirs...

We were dressed and ready for church early (which never happens), so you can only imagine what was on the agenda...


Buggy took her princess skates out of their bag, replaced them with a recipe box, and she was ready to roll...

And I didn't even try to stop her.
Putting flowers on the cross in front of our church is one of our favorite Easter traditions...

We found our friend Ridge while we were there...

Sweet girls...

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the backyard under an oak tree...
It just doesn't get much better than that!  It was the perfect way to end a wonderful Easter Sunday.

"Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.  This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time."
1st Peter 1:3-6

The Lord is risen, He is risen indeed!

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