Friday, April 13, 2012

Finally a Little Monster!

After years of sitting at gymnastics watching Towns do her thing and wondering when it would be her turn, Cate finally got to start a gymnastics class of her own.  Cue the excitement!  She thought she was hot stuff.  That actually might be the understatement of the year, though!  And she only asked if it was time for her class, oh, maybe every five minutes for a solid week leading up to yesterday afternoon.  She was over the moon that we made it a family affair and all went to watch her.  That sweet baby had been waiting for that for a good, long time!

Such a momentous occasion had to be documented, naturally...

 Towns was playing the big sister part and showing her the ropes the whole time...

The first order of business was having fun in the foam pit before class started...

Usually you have to drag her out kicking and screaming, but when she heard it was time to warm up she was out in a flash...
She looked up at us constantly to make sure we saw every move she made!
And when we'd make eye contact, we'd get a huge grin and a wave...
We told her that she needed to play close attention to her teacher and follow directions.  Goodness, the girl was all business!  She hung onto every word the teacher said...
I'm not sure she even blinked for fear of missing something!
She nailed her front rolls...
Our homework is to work on cartwheels and handstands.  Towns tries so hard to help her.  She'll say, "look Cate, you just do this." Sounds easy enough, but the execution is the tricky part!

I have to stoop to bribery to get her to go to dance every week, but I have no doubt there will be no twisting her arm to get her to gymnastics.  I think we might have created a pun intended!

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