Wednesday, April 25, 2012


In the interest of spending every waking minute with my birthday girl tomorrow, I knew I'd better get a birthday post in a day early.  Towns told me yesterday that she's officially taken six trips around the sun and is about to start her seventh.  I've never thought about it like that!  I told her that was a pretty neat observation and she said, "well that's just what happens when you have Mrs. Propst for a teacher."  True...very true!

I'm going to try my hardest to spare you the reality of what I'm feeling, which is something along the lines of...
How in the world is it possible that my baby love is a few hours shy of being seven years old?!
Seven sounds so old to me.  I could handle six, but seven?  Wow.
She's the epitome of what I'd ever want in a daughter.  She's a precious, precious child who has the biggest heart.  And she's definitely got ours!

Because I'm feeling rather nostalgic, I looked back at pictures from her last six birthdays.
All smiles the morning of her 1st birthday...
Cupcakes first thing on the morning of her 2nd...
 Breakfast in bed when she turned 3...
A trip to the zoo on her 4th...
Showing her sassy side on her 5th...
Celebrating in kindergarten on her 6th...
And here we are...
I could squeeze her to pieces because I love her like crazy!
Happy 7th birthday, Snaggle Fraggle!


  1. I LOVE this post! Nothing like looking back on old pictures! Happy Bday Sweet Towns! All your OOC aunts love you!! Love, Aunt Sixty

  2. Precious girl!! Love all the pictures from each birthday, my how each year she has grown so much!! Happy 7th Birthday!!!

  3. Happy 7th birthday to your sweetie!
