Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Seven is Heaven!

Birthdays are big around here.  I don't know why I love them so much.  Call me crazy, but it's just fun celebrating someone.  Wouldn't you agree?

This says it all...

Can I get an amen?

Last Wednesday night I was thinking about how it was the last night I'd have a six year old.  Why do I do that to myself?  One day I'll learn.  So, naturally I had to have one last picture of her before she turned a year older...

I wonder if she knows just how much I love her...
If she doesn't, it's not because I don't tell her 457 times a day!!

Thursday was birthday mania from sun up 'til sun down.  We let Towns pick the agenda.  A trip to the mall was definitely in order.  She had some birthday money that was burning a hole in her pocket, and she follows in her Bebby's footsteps when it comes to that!  But before we started our day, we had to have pink chocolate chip pancakes full of 7 blazing zebra candles as well as the special "birthday girl" cup...
She was up at the crack of dawn and ready to get the party started.  Bethany wasn't so ready at that early hour, so this is the best I could get of the two of them...
On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have Cate who hits the ground running like you wouldn't believe...
She doesn't get that from yours truly, that's for sure!

Time to sing "Happy Birthday" which would be the first of several times throughout the day...
She always gets a little shy when she's being sung to...

That shyness quickly went out the window when it was time to tackle these...
She got the mother of all jewelry boxes which was organized in .5 seconds because she couldn't wait any longer...
And it was only fitting that she get this book since she's a toothless wonder now...

She and Junie B. have a thing or two in common...toothless and both in 1st grade to name a couple!

Little did she know, she had a pretty big surprise waiting on her.  Bebs covered her eyes and she patiently waited...

Sweet sisters!
She truly couldn't believe her eyes when she saw it...

The pinkest scooter in all the land was now hers and she was thrilled when Cate rode in on it...

This was all her daddy's idea!  And we took it straight outside at 7 a.m. to try it out...

The other girls weren't about to be left out...

To tell you the truth, we've all had fun with it!
And it's all we've done since last Thursday.  I'll be honest, though.  There have been a few casualties that have left her pretty beat up.  But she's just like J in that she gets up and goes right back for more!

A little later, all of us girls hit the mall in Huntsville while J got a little work done.  It was such a treat to have Bethany all to ourselves all day!  That could have been Towns' only birthday treat and she would have been beyond satisfied!!
Silly me forgot there was a Build-A-Bear front and center when we walked in.  Of course the girls wanted to go straight for it.  They got me.  I'm such a sucker!

We couldn't pass up jumping either.  It's always a must!  Do you think Towns was ready to call it quits with the camera?  Hmmm...
She wasted no time getting to down to business...

We've always tried to get Cate to figure out how to do a back flip, and she finally mastered it while we were there...

She was extremely proud of herself and (naturally) acted like it was no big thing...like she'd been doing it all her life.  Silly girl!
By this point in the day, she was all smiles and pretty sure it couldn't get any better...
Until a trip to the cookie store was mentioned and then it was all she wrote...
You can't put a limit on birthday fun, you know!
Speaking of limits, after her belly was full of sprinkled sugar cookies she'd just about reached hers...
But there's no time to waste when it's your day, so we got her moving again with talk of going home to ride her chariot!  And the cherry on top was that J was waiting on us when we got there...
That baby loves her daddy!
When Buggy hopped on the back of Towns' scooter and they rode off all I could think about is how it was a glimpse of what's to come in 9 more years...
Somebody might have to commit me when the time comes!  (If the arguments over Cate's outfit choices don't have me committed first...she wants to wear dance clothes everywhere, everyday.)
Happy girls...
It's not a party if J isn't doing something like this...
The birthday girl and her mama...
One might think the celebration would be winding down, but oh no!  A birthday wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Mex for dinner followed by loads of sweets...
We made good use of the Big Top Cupcake Wownsy got for her birthday last year.  Pair that with an ice cream cake, and voila...birthday perfection!
Make a wish...
After stuffing ourselves with cake and ice cream it was time to wrap it up.
What?  The party is over?!
The good news is that the next one in the fam is only one month and eighteen days away when someone special turns the big 3-5!  And he just might get me for that...

1 comment:

  1. Love it all! Looks like yall had a blast celebrating as always! Love the pink scooter...that would be right up Mack's alley! ; )
