Monday, April 16, 2012


Towns has had a wiggly front tooth for a while.  Not wiggly enough according to her, though.  She wanted that thing out...and her lack of patience got the best of her Saturday when we were sitting on the front porch swing discussing it.  Little did I know this would be the last time I'd see her with her two front teeth...
Then she had an idea...
She just knew dental floss would do the trick.
That sounded better than my (sarcastic) suggestion of tying one end of a string to the door knob, the other to her tooth, and slamming the door shut like I tried when I was a kid.
So she got her daddy to see if he could loosen it up a little more for her...

His determination is like no other, and he managed to get it out while surprisingly leaving her jaw bone in tact...
His reasoning was that you can't halfway do it when you're pulling a tooth.
She said it didn't hurt at all, but I know I was cringing the entire time!
She was one proud little love...
We celebrated the tooth victory with a dip in the pool at a friend's birthday party...
Cate hung with Mary Reese...
I have to do a double take every time she flashes that snaggle tooth smile...
Sunday morning she came to my bedside crying because she said the tooth fairy took her tooth but didn't leave her anything.  After a little searching, we found her loot.  She must be a wild sleeper because her $10 bill had fallen behind her headboard.  She was all smiles after that.  One big toothless smile!

1 comment:

  1. The first sign that they're growing up! :( she's a cutie snag pie!!!
