Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I'm battling the craziness that is the end of the school year and losing by the day.  This morning at 7 o'clock we were all still in bed and the thought of removing myself from mine made me want to cry.  The girls went to sleep hours after their normal bedtime thanks to dance recital rehearsal.  Y'all.  I've taught dance my fair share of dance in the last few years and never has a dance recital done me in like this one has!  And we've only survived two days of it.  Three more to go, then three recitals this weekend.  I think I can, I think I can.  Not to mention that we're throwing in a field trip to the zoo tomorrow, field day on Friday, and putting our house on the market Monday.  If you don't hear from me soon, you'll know I've lost the fight!  Ha!  All I've got to say is that I'm heavily caffeinated this morning and not ashamed to admit it.  I think I secretly like the madness.  I like to tell myself that I don't, but who am I kidding?!  The more chaos, the better.
And believe me, there's plenty to go around.

J left this morning before daylight going to Destin for work.  Poor, pitiful thing.  I tried to get him to pack us in his suitcase.  Then I remembered the zillions of dollars we have in recital costumes so that thought was fleeting.  There's so much going on that he'll miss and he's the kind of dad who'd rather be at home than anywhere else.  I love that about him.  Yesterday he was tied up at work and couldn't make it to the Disney Dazzle program Towns was in at school.  Never fear...Bebby to the rescue!  She's such a smarty pants and got to exempt all her exams, so she's basically done with school.  We made a little deal that if she got to check out early, she'd come to watch blondie.  Towns had no idea and couldn't have been more surprised when the curtain opened and there sat Bebs next to me!
The sweet kids sang their hearts out and did a fab job...
They all had a little speaking part...
Do you think she was just a tad bit excited her big sister was there?!
They love each other madly!
A few girls from her class...
I love this one of Emma and Towns...
They're pretty much permanently joined at the hip.
This next one makes me laugh...
I'm always wrestling Cate.  That's an all day, every day job.  You'd think I'd be in shape since I carry a 30 lb. weight around everywhere I go!
A couple more just because I'm putting off productivity for as long as possible...
 Cate, Towns and Ella were all smiles at dance practice yesterday.  Sweet girls!
 And here you have Cate trying to convince me that these shoes were a perfect fit yesterday...
We might be busy, but we've always got time for shoe shopping!  She told me that her foot wasn't "too far" from the end which meant she needed them.  We bought them for Bethany, but Cate has already claimed them as hand-me-downs one day.

Dance Your Shoes Off is tonight (not sure how I've failed to mention that yet?!) and I absolutely cannot wait.  Read about this great mission project here!  It's one of the most fun projects I've been involved with.  And it's for a great cause so it's a win/win!

1 comment:

  1. Your day to day sounds like's that time of year! hang in there! : ) : )
