Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Love

I've always loved Mother's Day.  I'm so fortunate to have a wonderful mother, and I know I don't tell her that nearly as often as I should.  I think J would probably say the same thing about his precious mother.  Not to mention our grandmothers that we love so dearly.  Now that I'm a mom, the day is even more special.  To say that I am blessed doesn't even come close to what I really feel.
It doesn't seem adequate enough a word.  The day was spent with my little loves...
I so wish that Bethany was in this picture and that it wasn't so blurry.  It's all I have from yesterday which isn't like me at all!  I got this from Towns...
Along with a Shrinky Dinks necklace she made at school with my initials and a picture she drew of sweet face.  Talk about a treasure!  I love that the card instructs me to call and text her when she gets a phone.  I'm sure she knows I'll be lighting her phone up all the time if and when she ever gets one!

I've come to the conclusion that when you have children, every day is Mother's Day!

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