Monday, August 20, 2012

Back To School!

This morning these two loves started their Junior and 2nd grade years...

Last night before B went to bed she reminded us that this would be her next-to-the-last 1st day of school ever.  In high school, that is.  It's unreal to think that this time next year she'll be starting her last year here.  Of course, she's ready to say sayonara to Decatur and hello to college life, so that statement no doubt contained subliminal excitement!

While B was looking forward to her 1st day for that reason, Towns was looking forward to hers for a totally different reason.  She never wants it to end (or so she thinks at this age)!  Before bed she asked me to get out her "special pearls" and told me they'd be perfect for her first day of second grade...
She could hardly fall asleep at a decent hour because she just couldn't wait for this morning.  When she woke up at 6:30 on the dot without an alarm, she came running into our room at full speed, jumped into my arms, and exclaimed that it was finally the big day!

We got to school super early.  So early, in fact, that J accused me of making a "nerd" out of her for being the first one there.  I simply can't help myself.  I had to make sure we had enough time for all our "first" pictures - first time walking in as a 2nd grader, first time hanging the backpack up as a 2nd grader, first time sitting in the desk as a 2nd grader, etc.  And with the way she is these days, I surely wanted to get all those out of the way to avoid major embarrassment for her!
When we arrived at Ben Davis, her friend Conner greeted her with a great big smile...

Conner was sweet enough to snap this on my phone...
Right about then, she'd have loved to have a hole to crawl in.  Next year when she's at Leon Sheffield for 3rd grade I know there will be no picture like this unless it's taken before we ever get to school!

And naturally, we had to have a picture in this spot...

Towns and Emma are in different classes for the first time in their seven years of life.  There is major separation anxiety going on, but we weren't missing this photo op...

Cue the tears.  When we saw this angel of a woman, I nearly lost it...

Surely a year hasn't passed since we were taking that picture in her class.  Heaven help me.
We couldn't stay long. We had to move on down the hall to her new spot for the year...
I'll spare you the 457 other pictures I took of the whole process of getting situated in her classroom!
I can't leave out these, though...

 After a picture with Mrs. Davis we had to go...

Second grade it entirely different than first where we'd stand around and chit chat for 30 minutes.  They were ready to get down to business!
Cate and I went to the car and just sat.  I was physically unable to leave the parking lot.
Here's what I was thinking to myself:
Is it too early to get in carpool line?
(Along with: Hmmm, how long has it been since I've cleaned the inside of my car?)

All I have to say is that I'm chomping at the bit to get blondie and hear all about her first day.  I'm thinking a date to the ice cream shoppe is in order to do just that.  Right after I leave a treat in the form of a Starbucks gift card on sweet B's car so she can go straight to get a green tea and resume her after school ritual!
Goodness, I love these girls!!

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