Tuesday, August 14, 2012

JUG Summer Formal

I always love doing this post for a lot of reasons, one being because I absolutely love this time of year.  When the JUG Summer Formal rolls around, with it comes a welcomed change of season (well, almost), the beginning of school, and the start of a new "normal". Summer Formal - unlike its winter counterpart - is always pretty laid back.  B had a super cute date who knows how to have a good time, so we were all excited for her!  When she brought her dress home, we agreed that a huge necklace and fun heels had to be part of the mix.  After a trip to Bridge Street one day last week, we checked both off the list.
When she was all dressed and ready Saturday afternoon, I almost wanted to call the whole thing off because Lord knows it's hard to let her leave the house looking this pretty...

Cameras were flying left and right.  Half the pictures ended up on my phone, while half were taken with my real camera (it's not hard to tell the difference!)...
The running joke of the evening was whether or not J would tag along since he and B's date Cory ride motocross together and get along so well.  It's always hard to split them up, as crazy weird as that sounds.
But we did manage to separate them long enough to get a picture of the real couple together...

As sweet as Cory is, he better watch that hand!!

Not too long after, she was whisked away to her friend Julia's house for a couples dinner.
Thanks to Berek's mom Lucinda, I have a couple of group shots from Julia's...
Pretty girls!

While they were at dinner, the rest of the fam and I hit Ingalls Harbor for this...
Do you watch Duck Dynasty?  If not, I'm telling you right now you're missing out.  A&E hit the jackpot with the Robertsons.  It's by far our favorite show to watch around here.  It's so hard to find something we can all sit down and watch, but this one's a classic.  I know every Wednesday night when it's on I'm sure to laugh until I cry.  It's that funny.  So when J's friend Patrick called to ask if he could find him a black Suburban to use to pick Phil and Mrs. Kay up from the airport in, I chimed in and reminded him that I have one sitting in the driveway.  That went over like a lead balloon since they're all big time and have to have State Troopers drive them around.  Can't blame a girl for trying!  Long story short, J got them a car and Patrick ever so kindly gave us tickets to the big Ducks Unlimited event Saturday where the Duck Commander himself was there live and in person.  Along with his hilarious wife.  I mean, I was dying.  I didn't have it in me to stand in line for hours to meet him, but I didn't mind staring at him for a solid 20 minutes like a psycho stalker...
You would have though they'd brought in a Bo Jackson/Cam Newton duo by looking at the line outside that tent.  It was totally out of control and I loved every minute of it.  The night kept getting better and before we knew it, it was almost 8:00 and time to get to lead out and watch these two make their way down the "runway" as Cate called it...
How cute are they?!
It's always over way too quick for my liking, that's for sure.
And when it's all said and done, these two girls still think their Bebby is the best thing in the world...

B will kill me for that picture, but she was in such a hurry to get back to her friends I only had time to snap one.  There were definitely no redos in the equation!  Towns brought her little tiara in her purse because she said Bethany was the princess.  Bebs kindly put it on her head so the situation wouldn't result in tears!
Cate was extremely confused and was sure Bethany and Cory had gotten married.  I assured her that wasn't the case, but she did want her flowers to pretend like she was the flower girl...
By the time we got home that night, everything was left at the kitchen counter and we fell into bed...

Now B's enjoying her last week of summer at the beach with friends, and the girls and I are making the most of our last few days together.  Can't believe it's almost that time again!

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