Last Wednesday was the last day of school for Towns and Cate, and once Bebs finishes her exams this week we'll be ready to hit Point Mallard with the best of 'em all summer long! It's been a long year and we're very much in need of some play time!!
Wednesday wasn't only the girls' last day of school, but also B's awards day. We had some VIPs coming into town for that, so late Tuesday night it hit me that I should have something on a cake plate. It's what any Southern lady should do when guests are coming into town. That, and the fact that Cate and Towns would love me forever if they woke up to these for breakfast...

Turns out my instincts were right!
Cupcakes for breakfast is the way to their hearts...

Their icing-covered lips on my cheeks were proof positive!
We grabbed these teacher gifts and headed out the door...

But not before I took one last picture of them on the steps like we've done so many mornings...

And then some more once we got to the church, naturally...

In this one Towns is looking across the street at the door we go in every morning. That's right about the time that she told me she remembered the first time I ever took her in that door to her 4 year old class. Awww...

They sat in their bare classroom and did a little morning work...

Until it warmed up enough outside for this...

An end of the year party!

It was at that party when she discovered she didn't mind bugs too much after all...

It's a ladybug, but that's still pretty major for her!
The kiddos had a picnic lunch outside before they all said their goodbyes...

After that, I had to book it to Cate's class for her end of the year party...

I walked in to them going to town on pizza and fruit. Brock loves to eat, and nothing makes him any happier in this world. Hence his big ol' smile!
Well, maybe there is one thing that could be even better...

Birthday cake ice cream! They had 2 bowls each and within approximately 15 minutes they were bouncing off the walls!
I did manage to steal her long enough for a quick pic...

It wasn't until afterwards that I realized it looks like I have on no shirt. Goodness!
In the midst of their sugar high, they made time for a group hug session...

Those kinds of smiles are simply priceless!
After we pulled them off of each other it was time to go back and pick Towns up from her class for the last time...

I couldn't leave without one more picture of her with Mrs. Glenda and Mrs. Michelle!
I purposely put this outfit on her for the last day of school because it's also what she wore on the first day of school...

Turns out my instincts were right!
Cupcakes for breakfast is the way to their hearts...
Their icing-covered lips on my cheeks were proof positive!
We grabbed these teacher gifts and headed out the door...
But not before I took one last picture of them on the steps like we've done so many mornings...
And then some more once we got to the church, naturally...
In this one Towns is looking across the street at the door we go in every morning. That's right about the time that she told me she remembered the first time I ever took her in that door to her 4 year old class. Awww...
They sat in their bare classroom and did a little morning work...
Until it warmed up enough outside for this...
An end of the year party!
It was at that party when she discovered she didn't mind bugs too much after all...
It's a ladybug, but that's still pretty major for her!
The kiddos had a picnic lunch outside before they all said their goodbyes...
After that, I had to book it to Cate's class for her end of the year party...
I walked in to them going to town on pizza and fruit. Brock loves to eat, and nothing makes him any happier in this world. Hence his big ol' smile!
Well, maybe there is one thing that could be even better...
Birthday cake ice cream! They had 2 bowls each and within approximately 15 minutes they were bouncing off the walls!
I did manage to steal her long enough for a quick pic...
It wasn't until afterwards that I realized it looks like I have on no shirt. Goodness!
In the midst of their sugar high, they made time for a group hug session...
Those kinds of smiles are simply priceless!
After we pulled them off of each other it was time to go back and pick Towns up from her class for the last time...
I couldn't leave without one more picture of her with Mrs. Glenda and Mrs. Michelle!
I purposely put this outfit on her for the last day of school because it's also what she wore on the first day of school...
That was then, this is now!
Every morning we sing on the way to school. Usually we sing "This is the Day that the Lord has Made". But last Wednesday as I was taking the girls to school on their very last day, a different song popped into my head. I started singing it and the girls joined in. It's one that I remember singing as a child, but I didn't really get it until now. It starts off with "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart". Know which one I'm talking about? Well I came to the part that says "I've got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart". I almost ran off the road. That sums it up for me right there. For the last week or so I've felt so at peace with Towns being done with preschool and moving on to bigger and better things (right now you're jumping up and down because I might just be done with all the whining about it - ha!). For a while there it literally made my heart hurt to think about her growing up like this. And then all of a sudden (ok, actually after a lot of praying) I felt such a peace about it. So when I started singing the verse about peace that passes understanding without really ever getting it until that very moment, I realized that that's what I've got. I sure don't understand it. But I know where it comes from and I'm so, so thankful for it!
B's awards day was a little while after all the partying at school, and between all the sweets at school and more cupcakes after that the kids were in rare form! And when B's mom arrived with her 3 cuties, the party officially began!
As we were sitting there waiting for the ceremony to start, I realized that between the two of us, April and I have kids ages 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Imagine sitting in a quiet auditorium with us! Ha! They all did really well, though. Until Cate had a monumental meltdown, but that was because it was nap time.
B looked as beautiful as ever walking across the stage accepting her awards...

All A's and the President's Academic Excellence Award!
We are ever so proud of you!!!
And I might add that she earns those awards almost effortlessly. She's such a smart girl and it comes very naturally to her. Way to go, B!
Thursday morning as we were packing to go to Montgomery for my cousin's graduation I noticed Cate was too quiet for her own good.
This was what I found...

Go on and click on the picture to make it bigger for the full effect.
If this is any indication of how the summer will be, we might be in for it!
And is it just me, or does she remind you of a little Lucille Ball?
Growing up, my mom and I loved watching I Love Lucy, and you could just look at her and start laughing for no reason at all. That's exactly how Cate is, and the fact that she's got the same red hair makes it even better!
B's awards day was a little while after all the partying at school, and between all the sweets at school and more cupcakes after that the kids were in rare form! And when B's mom arrived with her 3 cuties, the party officially began!
As we were sitting there waiting for the ceremony to start, I realized that between the two of us, April and I have kids ages 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Imagine sitting in a quiet auditorium with us! Ha! They all did really well, though. Until Cate had a monumental meltdown, but that was because it was nap time.
B looked as beautiful as ever walking across the stage accepting her awards...
All A's and the President's Academic Excellence Award!
We are ever so proud of you!!!
And I might add that she earns those awards almost effortlessly. She's such a smart girl and it comes very naturally to her. Way to go, B!
Thursday morning as we were packing to go to Montgomery for my cousin's graduation I noticed Cate was too quiet for her own good.
This was what I found...
Go on and click on the picture to make it bigger for the full effect.
If this is any indication of how the summer will be, we might be in for it!
And is it just me, or does she remind you of a little Lucille Ball?
Growing up, my mom and I loved watching I Love Lucy, and you could just look at her and start laughing for no reason at all. That's exactly how Cate is, and the fact that she's got the same red hair makes it even better!
that is a adorable pic of Cate! love, love, love it!! I want to plan a trip to point mallard to take the kids this summer, we will have to give you a call and maybe you, bethany, and the kiddos can meet us there & just maybe we can talk April into bringing the boys! :) An of course, Bethany is so smart~ her daddy and mama were quiet the rock stars in smarts in school, so she gets it naturally!
I am glad I am not the only one who feeds my children such nutritious breakfasts like cake and pies!
I want a copy of that picture of Cate. Love. It. Have I told you I'm smitten with your girls, Smitty? Just sayin'...
As usual, thanks for the hospitality and of course for those fabulous cupcakes! :) They were delish. I'm with Shea on a PM trip! How much fun would that be!
Your girls are just adorable! Hope your summer is fun-filled! And I love the picture of Cate!!!
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