Last Friday was Pet Day at school, and being that we really don't have a pet that lasts very long around here, taking our pet to school was easy breezy. No leashes, no cages, no fish bowls...Towns threw her Fur Real kitty in her backpack that morning and was ready to go!
I'm telling you, that's my kind of pet. It'll walk, purr, meow, etc. but requires nothing additional from yours truly! :)
She showed everyone how it could walk...
Emma brought Lilly, and my children think Lilly is the coolest creature on Earth...
She can wave on command, which is why they think she's so neat!
One of the last pictures of the two of us at a preschool function...
I'm learning to cope! Ha!
Later that afternoon the girls changed into something festive enough for a date to the post office, the park, and the local ice cream joint...
As if the cat hasn't been let out of the bag enough, I'm obsessed with owls. Call me crazy. Or call me a die hard, love it 'til the day I die Chi Omega. Either way, I'm loving that owls are so "it" now. Since she knows the depths of my obsession, April got her friend Shea (she has a link to her applique site on her blog) to make an owl shirt for Towns for her birthday. And well, thankfully she got Cate one while she was at it. These days it's much easier when we have 2 of everything. And I do mean everything. Hello sisterly knock-down, drag-outs.
Anyway, the park is always a source of good fun and entertainment for the girls. Not so much for B, therefore she opted to stay at home on her air conditioned throne.
The girls spotted something new first bat out of the box...
They might have been overly interested in the big green turtle because of this...
That would be Turtlicious (pronounced turtle-icious).
We spotted him trying to cross the road a few weeks ago. It was a busy road, and the girls and I couldn't bear the thought of him not making it. So I stopped the car, grabbed 417 napkins, and proceeded to pick him up and put him in a gift bag which was the only thing I had. I honestly thought I was doing a good deed because a turtle is supposed to be slow and couldn't possibly have crossed the road without getting flattened. Wrong! It turned out to be a quick mover. We put him in the yard and 15 minutes later the sucker was gone! Growing up when we would catch turtles, my grandfather would say that if you tie a string around their leg they won't go far because they think they're tied to something. I can't exactly say I'm sad about the turtle finding a new home, but I sure didn't think it would be that quick!
Cate showing Bebby her turtle (before it activated its jet packs)...
Back to the park - the girls were loving the new swing...
And were really loving the fact that they both could swing in it...
The elder of the two dare devils couldn't sit still for long, though. She had some flipping to do...
Didn't realize until I was looking back at these pictures that she doesn't even have her hands on the bar when she's doing that. Makes my heart do its own little flip!!
And I caught her doing this...
She didn't want to walk all the way around the playground to the stairs, so she improvised. How she got over that railing above her I don't know, but she sure did it!
We played long enough to work up an appetite for ice cream which took up some time until Daddy got home. He wanted to go to dinner in Huntsville that night and on the way I happened to get a very telling picture. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that it could be called a sign of the times. Or it could be called "prize for who can fit the most kids in the back of a small company car". We'd win, hands down.
Three ring circus-24 hours a day.
Count 'em...1, 2, and 3.
And all 3 going to town on the 3G network.
Lots to report on soon - B's award's day, Towns and Cate's last day of school, a high school graduation, trip to the botanical gardens, etc. I need to get on the ball!
But right now, as the famous Diana Decker would say, it's gotta be 5 o'clock somewhere!!
Happy weekend, folks!
Hey Tara! Such a cute post- your girls are so darling. :) LOVING the owl shirts... but when I clicked on your link I got a "not found"! Are these things for sale? By the way, Caroline LIVES in her fairy princess dress that you made her! We are going to have to order some more! Kristen Hill (email me about those shirts if you have a second- mrskristenhill@yahoo)
What a cute post! It's always 5:00 somewhere!!! haha I LOVE those owl you think I could get one in my size??!!
Thanks for the shout out on the shirts, the girls look precious in them!! :) The shorts came from a kiddie shop in Auburn, they are made by Luigi and were in several different colors! Let me know if you want me to get u some and mail them! I got them a few weeks ago when they were have a 15% off sale, it helped justify buying them even though we didn't need any! A girl can never have too many clothes! ; ) ha!
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