That was the title of Towns' ended of the year program at school yesterday, and guess what...I didn't cry!!!!! Thanks to a good friend sending up lots o' prayers for me, I made it through! :)
J has been in Destin since Tuesday teaching a training class, so when Towns realized he wouldn't be at her program she really got upset. He was equally as distraught about not being able to be there. He had to miss her Thanksgiving Feast for the very same reason and she hasn't let him forget it! I promised her the next best thing, though. Bebby got to ditch school for a little while and come watch her which was super special. Towns has always loved showing off her big sister! And it worked out well, because she was my moral support!!

Each 4 year old class got their turn on stage to say a Bible verse and sing a song. I had the camera ready when it was time for her class to recite their Bible verse...

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
They sang a song that we love to sing at home - "This Little Light of Mine"

The picture above is one of her favorite parts of that song - the part that says "don't let Satan blow it out". Boy, did they get into it!
And they liked this part, too...

That's the "let it shine 'til Jesus comes" part if you couldn't tell! :)
After all the classes finished, they sang "What A Mighty God We Serve" together...

They all did a fantastic job - so proud!!!
When the program was over, we all headed upstairs to the ROC for lunch, fellowship with friends, and to pick up sweet surprises...

Her teachers put together a scrapbook of all the fun things they've done together over the course of the school year. I knew better than to look at it there, which turned out to be a good thing. Because when I got to the very end and each teacher had written Towns a precious letter, I needed a boat load of Kleenex and waterproof mascara!
Here she is with Mrs. Michelle...

And with Mrs. Glenda...

The way they've loved on her all year has been a main reason she's enjoyed school so much. I'm so thankful for how sweet they've been to my baby girl - who's not so much a baby anymore. I can't really explain how it feels to leave her at school 3 mornings a week and never worry a minute about her because she's in the hands of people who love her, love teaching, and most importantly love the Lord.
She ran around with her friends while B and I found her artwork to take home with us...

And I snapped pictures for as long as she was willing to let me...

It was a big day for another reason...

Her first ever Book Fair!
She got a book in her Easter basket about a Book Fair. That was always a source of major excitement for me in elementary school for some reason, and I was hoping she'd be just as excited. It came as no surprise that she was all about it!
She browsed for a long time before she settled on approximately 54 books.

We narrowed it down to a few favorites, and by that time Cate was out of her class and got to pick a couple of books out too...

Cate might win the award for how thrilled she was about it! She opted for Clifford and a book about an ice cream truck that plays the tune that gets stuck in your head (an added bonus is that the batteries do come out). We payed for our books, said our goodbyes, and headed to the car where Towns found a few little treats waiting for her on her special day...

My mom gave me that Dr. Seuss book the day I graduated from Auburn.
I know she's just "graduating" from preschool, but it's a big deal to a certain sentimental Mama!
Each 4 year old class got their turn on stage to say a Bible verse and sing a song. I had the camera ready when it was time for her class to recite their Bible verse...
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
They sang a song that we love to sing at home - "This Little Light of Mine"
The picture above is one of her favorite parts of that song - the part that says "don't let Satan blow it out". Boy, did they get into it!
And they liked this part, too...
That's the "let it shine 'til Jesus comes" part if you couldn't tell! :)
After all the classes finished, they sang "What A Mighty God We Serve" together...
They all did a fantastic job - so proud!!!
When the program was over, we all headed upstairs to the ROC for lunch, fellowship with friends, and to pick up sweet surprises...
Her teachers put together a scrapbook of all the fun things they've done together over the course of the school year. I knew better than to look at it there, which turned out to be a good thing. Because when I got to the very end and each teacher had written Towns a precious letter, I needed a boat load of Kleenex and waterproof mascara!
Here she is with Mrs. Michelle...
And with Mrs. Glenda...
The way they've loved on her all year has been a main reason she's enjoyed school so much. I'm so thankful for how sweet they've been to my baby girl - who's not so much a baby anymore. I can't really explain how it feels to leave her at school 3 mornings a week and never worry a minute about her because she's in the hands of people who love her, love teaching, and most importantly love the Lord.
She ran around with her friends while B and I found her artwork to take home with us...
And I snapped pictures for as long as she was willing to let me...
It was a big day for another reason...
Her first ever Book Fair!
She got a book in her Easter basket about a Book Fair. That was always a source of major excitement for me in elementary school for some reason, and I was hoping she'd be just as excited. It came as no surprise that she was all about it!
She browsed for a long time before she settled on approximately 54 books.
We narrowed it down to a few favorites, and by that time Cate was out of her class and got to pick a couple of books out too...
Cate might win the award for how thrilled she was about it! She opted for Clifford and a book about an ice cream truck that plays the tune that gets stuck in your head (an added bonus is that the batteries do come out). We payed for our books, said our goodbyes, and headed to the car where Towns found a few little treats waiting for her on her special day...
My mom gave me that Dr. Seuss book the day I graduated from Auburn.
I know she's just "graduating" from preschool, but it's a big deal to a certain sentimental Mama!
Loved the shirts for the program! Owen's favorite song was This Little Light of Mine...he was jamming!
So proud of you, Smitty! :) I was a bit worried B was going to call telling me you had drowned in a river of your own tears. HA!
Kidding! Cute pics. Love the shirts.
Oh and the pics of Cate Bug in the last post, as usual, CRACKED ME UP!
this post looks like I wrote it about my kids! HA!! You've been 1 busy lady if you made all those super cute t-shirts!! :)
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