Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas - Take 2

After our Christmas morning festivities, we headed to Selma to see Jonathan's family. We met Bethany there and did our Christmas with her. She always comes back home with us to spend some time here while she's out of school, but she's rather impatient when it comes to presents so we take hers with us. This prevents her having to wait a second longer than she has to!
I made Bethany open the "boring" presents first...clothes! I was saving the best for last!

After opening all her clothes, onto one of her big iPod Nano 3G (love the reaction!)...

Her other biggie this year was something she didn't have a clue she was getting. Bethany is notorious for figuring out what her presents are, but this was one I was bound and determined to keep a secret! She can sing like no other, write songs and melodies to go with them, and dances like a champ so it's no wonder she wants to be the next big star. I mean, the girl's got talent. She's so very into Miley Cyrus (see previous post on it) and Miley plays the guitar, so obviously Bethany wants to learn. So we got her a guitar for Christmas and sent her on a hunt to find it...

First clue: "Look here where you get all nice and clean, with this gift you'll every little girl's dream!"...she's a smart one and went straight to the shower.

Next clue: "You can sleep on top or hide underneath"...can't remember the rest!

The next clue was in the dryer: "This gets your clothes all warm and dry, hmmm, you or Miley Cyrus, it's a tie!"

I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with closet so I was very uncreative when I came up with this one: "You'll find your next clue where every pop star keeps their fabulous wardrobe!"

Now she's looking in the pantry as a result of this clue: "Here you'll find cereal and chips, when you play this _____ (blank) you'll be so hip!"

She's gone outside now and is about to find her prize. Here's the clue: "This held you when you swung from the roof, you can be a star and here's the proof!" Background story is as follows....this oak tree in the picture has a huge swing that hangs from one of the branches, and the last time we were there Jonathan talked Bethany into climbing up on the roof and swinging off of it. I nearly had a heart attack the first time I saw her do it. And pretty much every time thereafter.

She's found it!

Here are a couple of other pictures from our visit of Towns and her cousin Keaton...

Keaton was so sweet to help Towns open all her gifts! Towns absolutely adores him!!

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