Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas - Take 3

Christmas with my side of the family was celebrated at Aunt Melissa's house in Montgomery. It's a central location for everyone and she has enough space for all 14 of us! Melissa and I are very close and are more like sisters than anything. It's rather funny because I'm so much like her and her daughter is so much like my mom, so we joke that my cousin Mary Catherine and I were born to the wrong mothers! :) When I graduated from Auburn I moved to Montgomery and lived with Melissa & Mary Cat for about a year while I worked at Enterprise. We always had a blast together and it was really a great thing for all of us. I miss them so much after moving to Decatur and not being able to drop in anytime. That just makes our time together now that much more special! Anyhoo, here's a picture story of the Jay Family Christmas Spectacular....

When we arrived, Towns went straight for Mary Catherine and Aunt Jane got her hands on Cate immediately!

Uncle Max (yes, he's 3 years old) then escorted Towns outdoors to the trampoline where Bethany and Anna Grace were flipping up a storm. Bethany nailed her back tuck that day! Yay!

Meanwhile, MC took Cate Bug over and barely let anyone else have a turn at her! MC will be 16 on January 15th which is unbelievable. She's already got a little white BMW 325i sitting in her driveway...Santa was GOOD, GOOD, GOOD to her this year! She'd obviously been super sweet all year long to get that kind of Christmas present! :) The older she gets, the more fun we have together. She's phenomenal with my children and they love her just the same. We were at their house less than 48 hours after my surgery and out of all the women in the house (mind you, everyone there besides MC has had children but yet the 15 year old is the one mothering me more than the rest of them), she was the one who was attached to my hip the entire time wanting to know how she could help. I can't say enough about how sweet that girl is! LOVE YOU, Mary Cat!

Anna Grace finally got to spend a little time with Cate and she was SO good with her! It's really her first time to be around a baby (besides Towns and Max being babies, but she was only 5 then) and she passed the test with flying colors! I quizzed her on what to do in every situation possible while Cate was in her lap just to make sure she knew what to do with her. I suppose it's the neurotic mother in me!

Towns had her fill of the trampoline and spent a little quality time with Granny...

We had a superb late lunch (sorry guys for taking this picture, I'm sure I'll hear about this later on!) but the kids were chomping at the bit to open presents!

Melissa's pretty tree before everything underneath it was ransacked!

Let the present opening begin!

Aunt Jane and Uncle Charlie gave Max a cowboy hat, but Towns had her own idea about who needed to take it home!

But once she opened the princess dress Melissa & MC gave her, it was so long cowboy, hello fancy! She let YaYa sport the western look...

Pappy entertained Cate since the poor thing was too little to get involved in all the action!

Granny, Janie and Charlie....The adults stayed out of the kids' way as best as could lose a limb if you weren't careful! It's funny how the children get so into all the presents. Wrapping paper, tissue paper, and everything else imaginable was flying in all directions!

Towns' princess dress was a little too big, but never fear....Aunt Melissa to the rescue with safety pins to do some quick alterations. Because there was no way in this world Towns was thinking about taking that dress off!

Anna Grace played some Christmas tunes for us (with the help from Maestro Towns). She just started taking piano lessons from Mary Clyde Merrill (the BEST piano teacher ever)...she taught me for ten years in Andalusia.

That about sums it I've just got to get Christmas with my dad's side done and we'll call it a rap on Christmas '07! My apologies for the terrible narrations! :)

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