Friday, January 4, 2008

Funny, Funny Girl

I've still got two more parts of Christmas to post before I'm officially done with it and I've been working so hard to finish, but this is one of those moments where I have to write this down (in this case blog it) before I forget. The following are some funny conversations I've had with Towns in the last few days...

Towns: I don't think I want to call Cate Cate anymore.
Me: Really? What do you want to call her?
Towns: Harper (her middle name)
Me: Ok, well you can call her that if you want.
Towns: But we've got to go to the doctor first.
Me: Doctor? Why do we have to go to the doctor?
Towns: Because you can't change her name and call her something different without going to the doctor first. Me: Why's that?
Towns: You know, Dr. Khouri (the pediatrician) has to do it.
Me: So that's how it works, huh?
Towns: Yep.

In my post yesterday about the Lowe's trip I mentioned that I put Cate in the front of the cart beside Towns. Towns has always loved to hold Cate when she's sitting down, but it lasts for about two seconds and then she says "get her Mommy, she wants you". Well the shopping cart episode was no different, but she did spice up her request for me to move Cate....
Towns: Mommy, can you get Cate and put her back in her car seat?
Me: Why?
Towns: Because my nose hurts.

All during the Christmas season we read a book just about every night about the real meaning of Christmas. It goes through the story of Jesus' birth and she always gets really into it. Even last Christmas when she was just a year old she could tell you who Jesus' parents were, that they rode on a donkey, and could even tell you that He was born in Bethlehem. Except to her it was "Betbehem". Anyway, after reading this book so many times she can tell you what it says word for word, page by page. So when my dad and his girlfriend Laura were here this past week she felt compelled to read it to them. I was halfway listening to her while doing something else, but she really caught my attention when she said "and Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the clubhouse." Aka, the stable.

Being that she's potty trained and very independent these days, Towns would rather go to the restroom by herself when we're at home and not have me help her. The other day I heard her yell "Mooooommmmm" so I went running thinking she'd fallen in the toilet or something. I get to the bathroom and she says "all I need is some toilet tennis shoe paper." Some WHAT? I said. You know, sweetie, some toilet tennis shoe paper. (She's gotten into the habit of calling me sweetie) After some thought I realized that she put toilet tissue and tissue paper together (she's always called tissue paper - tennis shoe paper) and come up with toilet tennis shoe paper. Now there's an original!

Going along with the independent theme, Towns has gotten kind of bad about trying to pick up Cate on her own. Don't get me wrong, she's VERY helpful with her. But sometimes she's a little TOO helpful. I've tried to correct her and explain why it's best to wait and let me hand Cate over to her if she really wants to hold her. So the other day when I see her trying to take Cate out of her baby papisan seat I had to get onto her. To which she replies in the most calm voice I've ever heard "DON'T lose your head, it's OOOKKK. Just don't worry about it. It's FIIIINE." I mean, have you ever?! She's two years old!

One more really quick one. This doesn't really apply to a specific incident, just something she does in general. Every single time she gets in trouble she looks me dead in the eyes and says "Mommy, you sure do look pretty today". Already a little con artist! :)

1 comment:

  1. Loved catching up on you guys! That Towns is a handful! Between her and Morgan Stickler we could write a book of GREAT quotes!

    I certainly hope you didn't pawn any BFF broken heart necklaces from me!! ;o)
