Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas - Take 4

This one will be short and sweet. I'm about Christmased out after all this! :) My Dad and his girlfriend Laura came up the day before New Year's Eve to do our Christmas together. We usually end up in Childersburg to see my grandmother and all the extended family, but we kept it simple this year. We layed low until New Year's Day when they had to head back to Dothan. We watched the Alabama game that Sunday night (Jonathan and my Dad are avid Alabama fans, and Laura and I are Auburn Tigers all the way) and New Year's Eve we were glued to the Auburn Game (War Eagle, by the way!). Time with my Dad is always relaxing for me because he takes over and lets me have a little time to myself. Usually that translates into time to get things done that I usually don't have time to do. But, that's fine too! He's the most organized person on the planet (he'd probably kill me for this, but he numbers his socks with a Sharpie so they'll always match up!!!). And I really do have that Tubbs gene in me somewhere deep down, but it's SO hard to keep my house organized when a certain two year old who shall remain nameless is constantly pulling things out of her closet and off the shelves and putting them in special places where they don't belong! It's pretty funny because I can sense that it drives him crazy to be here in the midst of all the chaos and see how my house is a complete 180 from his. But then again, he lives alone so he's already one-upped me right there! He walked into Towns' room as soon as he got to our house and the first thing he said was "did anyone get hurt?" which left me puzzled. I didn't have a clue what he was talking about until he said "you know, when the bomb went off in here?"...such a comedian. Anyway, here are a few pictures from while they were here...

Pawpaw and Towns play with the Play-Doh she got for Christmas...

Laura's the official new best friend to Towns thanks to the Cheeto's. She'd eat Cheeto's for every meal if I'd let her...

Pawpaw engrossed in the Alabama game and holdind Cate while she takes a little snooze...

Pawpaw holding Cate up so she can look out the window (which is her favorite thing in the world to do)!

1 comment:

  1. Tara, Your girls are so cute!! They're beauties! I thoroughly enjoy your blog! I had to tell Allyson (and the rest of my family) about your Hannah Montana experience! You made me a fan! :) Anyway...just wanted to let you know I'm reading and enjoy hearing about your family! Love, Ashley
