Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Happy 3 Months!

(Almost 2 weeks late!)
Just as the title of this one says, it's been a very happy 3 months since we've had this new person living with us! She's such a sweetie and we're so thankful we got her here without major complications (a story for another day). She's already brought us so much joy in the 14 short weeks, which have flown by way too quickly! I think we've got a little genius on our hands. At 3 months she's almost mastered sitting up and will scoot across the floor like a little inchworm. It's THE cutest thing ever! She smiles and laughs all the time which puts me in the best mood! I've gone a little picture happy here...bear with me! :)
These are all of her sitting up with her Boppy around her (she still leans a little so she needs a little help every now and then). She's such a little ham for the camera!
These both were taken last Sunday after church. I find myself taking pictures of her in all her pretty outfits because I want to always remember how sweet she looks in them. Sorry for the picture that's a little off center! I'm not a pro by any means!
These pictures are all a product of Towns' handy work. The first two are from New Year's Day when she thought Cate needed a tutu since it was a festive holiday. And surprisingly enough, Cate didn't mind it.
The last picture here was when Towns tried putting her sunglasses on her sister and that, on the other hand, did NOT go over very well.

These pics were of her first trip to the park in our neighborhood. We bundled her up and strolled over to let Towns and Bethany play. She was pretty excited about it to start with, but soon enough it put her to sleep!
The next few pictures are random ones I think are pretty sweet...


  1. Happy 3 months, Cate! I love the blog frenzy you've been on lately, tt....keep up the good work:) I love looking at pictures of your precious girls and hearing about all the cute things they do.

  2. What a little angel! She is tooooo sweet!

  3. I love the black and white photo of her sleeping!
