Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Geek Squad to the Rescue

Well, it's official. I'm GOING CRAZY!!! My computer is fried and the internet isn't working. I really didn't realize how dependent I am on the www, but now it's very apparent that I'm a hopeless addict. With all that's going on in our house on a daily basis, I have very little (if any) time to call my own. But when I do get that short break I make a beeline for the computer. It's my escape into someone else's world being I'm pathetically engrossed in everyone's blogs. Not that I want to escape my own life, it's not that at all, but it is nice to forget things for a sec and become enthralled in all of y'alls stories and pictures and whatnot. Anyway, I've spent a total of five hours in the past two days on the phone with Charter AND Dell trying to resolve my ailing computer. But no such luck. So now I've sunk to an all time low and have come to the library to get my internet fix. How sad am I?! Hopefully we'll be back up and running ASAP, but until then I'll be a familiar face around the Decatur Public Library....

Oh, and CONGRATS to Ginny and Hunter....they just found out their bambino is a little BOY!!! "Jr." (his name until a proper one is selected) will be making his grand entrance into a sweet and loving family, that's for sure! What a blessed little boy already! I know his grandparents can't wait (to spoil him rotten)! When Towns was born and I went home to Andalusia for the first time, David and Nancy (Ginny's parents) each took turns on their lunch hour to come to my parents' house and hold her. For a SOLID HOUR. They're pretty serious about this baby thing and have begged for a grandchild, so I'm thrilled that Ginny and Hunter are giving them what they've wished for! :)


  1. I am sorry your computer died. And yes, my parents are beside themselves with excitement as are Hunter and I. I hope you get everything fixed soon, I love seeing these girls and reading what Towns has to say!

  2. Your girls are precious and yes, David and I are beside ourselves. I am so glad Ginny has created a blog, so I can keep up with all her friends through the links to her site.

  3. Tara,
    Your blog is absolutely precious...I check in on the Mcmasters from time to time and just noticed the Mclendons as one of her links and I am thrilled...with all your spare time maybe you could help the Jackson girls out (ha!), but I am thrilled and obsessed at the same time!!
