Friday, February 1, 2008

Go Charter - It's Your Birthday - Go Charter

I say these words as I want to do the annoying dance that goes along with them. You know, the dorky one you do if you want to embarass yourself and the people around you. The reason for the song and dance is because MY COMPUTER HAS BEEN REBORN!! After 3 weeks of torture and countless hours on the phone with the (ever so unhelpful) customer service departments of Dell and Charter, J finally decided he'd take on the task of fixing it himself and diagnosed the problem as being a broken modem. Which you'd think Charter would have recognized after two service calls. Never knew my husband was technologically inclined, but I'm most thankful for it! Now the only thing left on my list of things to remedy is my destroyed cell phone. Destroyed thanks to being dropped in the toilet. Can you imagine life with no internet or cell phone?! Talk about feeling disconnected from the outside world. (However, it's amazing how much more I accomplished around the house with no temptation of sitting down to the internet.) It feels good to be back, that's for sure! Let the blogging begin (again)....

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