Friday, February 1, 2008

Dare Devils

So there's not much explaining I can do here. The videos speak for themselves....but I'll give you a little background before you think I've completely lost my mind letting my child be so daring! After all, she's just 2 years old and most moms I know wouldn't dare let their children do half of what she's done in her short little lifetime (that's a whole other post in itself). Across the street from our church are the best hills EVER for sliding down on cardboard boxes. In front of the old bank building (at least that's what I think it was...Jess, correct me if I'm wrong) is the neatest little area with hills and a great sidewalk that makes the perfect "interstate" as Towns calls it for her to ride her Barbie Jeep on. We discovered it last winter and kept it pretty reasonable....making the kids sit on their rears while sliding down, not pushing them down too fast, etc. Not this year! This is what happens when Mama stays home with the baby (it was FREEZING, see pics below) and Daddy is in charge of Saturday afternoon entertainment!

Here are a few pics from the event, too...

1 comment:

  1. HOW MUCH FUN IS THAT?? and yes-that's the Old Bank Building. I was thinking about perks of living in North Alabama (as opposed to South Alabama) the other day. One I thought of the best Christmas presents we ever got was a real-deal sled (we had "disc sleds before that), but we lived on a hill-We thought that was the greatest thing ever! I know it hasn't snowed enough-but maybe it will soon! That hill looks pretty close though! What fun, mama!
