Saturday, February 2, 2008

Two of a Kind

I always said I wanted at least children close in age so they'd have each other growing up. I was an only child for 18 years and while I had a wonderful childhood and wouldn't do it any differently, I still wish I'd have had a sister to share things with. So when Towns came along, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I'd have that baby fever again. It was no walk in the park being pregnant while Towns was so young, but I'll say without a shadow of a doubt it was worth every minute. Seeing how much Cate already adores Towns and how her little face lights up at the sight of her is beyond precious. And I love the way Towns is so genuinely interested in Cate. The baby can't utter a sound without Towns blazing a trail to her to see how she can help her. And the way she talks to her is the sweetest thing in the world. My favorite part of the day is when they wake up in the morning. Usually Cate is awake well before Towns is, but the first thought that comes to her mind is her sister. She wants to know where she is and if she's up so she can go tell her good morning. It's too adorable for words. I can hardly wait until they're old enough to play together and enjoy each other even more than they do now. Of course, with Towns being hard headed and strong willed by nature and Cate being quite the drama queen, I'm sure they'll be pulling each others hair out eventually. But at the end of the day I can live with that knowing that they'll always have each pulling and all! And what makes it all even better is that Towns and Cate have their big sister Bethany. She's so good with both of them and they love her to pieces. Bethany's got Towns wrapped around her little finger, and I'm quite sure Cate isn't too far behind!


  1. This post makes me so excited to be pregnant right now! I've definitely had those moments of "What on earth were we thinking?", but after reading this, I can't wait for this little baby to get here! Thanks for the encouragement! How many months apart are your girls?

  2. They're 29 months old will Ford be when the new baby is born? And when do you find out what he/she is?? Any names picked out yet?

  3. What a great post, your girls are so precious! I'm so behind, I did not know your computer had been on the outs. Maybe that's what I need to happen so I will get things done around here...haha
