Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm Confused...

Two things have me puzzled today...

1. Can someone please tell me how I missed STIRRUP PANTS coming back in???? I filed those away back in 1990 and have vowed ever since to never, ever relive that fashion nightmare. Sorry if any of you are wearing stirrups today. I'm sure you can really pull them off, but me, not so much. Nor do I want to.

2. How is it that I have five glorious days all to myself and I can't seem to find any overwhelming enjoyment in it? My children are in very capable hands which leaves me no reason whatsoever to worry about them and their well being. It's not like I have any doubt that they're not being taken care of. In fact, they're probably having more fun at Ya Ya and Poppy's playing with Max and Anna Grace than they'd have here. Towns literally walked out the door yesterday and didn't look back until I MADE her come back and at least give me a hug. I wasn't really expecting her to fall out in the floor in protest of me sending her off. But at least a hug and a kiss...I mean, come on. I can't blame her though. That girl loves to stay on the road, and she gets it so honestly from me. Back to the point...I had all these grand plans and high hopes of doing things around here that I've been wanting to do, but never have had the time. Namely, tackling that huge Rubbermaid full of super fun fabric and making the girls matching outfits for spring and summer. I'd also love to get my closets cleaned out and organized. And I have canvases screaming "paint me, paint me". But somehow, I can't get it together enough to make any headway. I walk around in circles not knowing what to do next. Here's the conclusion I've come to: I'm completely lost without my kiddos. Our daily routine is so engrained in me and when I shy away the least bit from the norm, I don't know what to do! Good or bad, I suppose that makes me a creature of habit. The one nice thing that's come of my empty house is that J and I are reliving our pre-baby days. It's wild how once you have children it completely changes everything. For whatever reason, I've always had a tinge of guilt run through me for halfway enjoying anything that doesn't involve them. I'd almost forgotten how much fun we could have when the kids aren't around. And that's not such a bad thing. Even if it is watching Viva La Bam re-runs until midnight because they make us laugh like schoolgirls (and now I'm wondering why I just admitted that I like that show...disclaimer: I don't really like the people in it or how they talk or the message they convey, but it is pretty hysterical). It's Tuesday and I've got two and a half more days of trying to find something with which to fill my time. Any suggestions to make the time go by faster???

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I have an idea...Keys to the car, an adult beverage, and a credit card!! I bet you could find something with that!!
