Thursday, June 26, 2008

Two Peas in a Pool

I just agreed to go out into the sweltering heat so the girls could play a while in the baby pool. Not sure why I gave in. I suppose it could be because I'm so sick of being inside trying to the beat the heat! I put Cate's little pool in the shade and let them go at it in their super cute matching bathing suits. I snapped a few pictures of them having fun, being perfectly content, and playing so well together....

Until Cate threw her yellow plastic Easter egg over the side of the pool....

And leaned a little too far over trying to reach it and landed head first on the concrete...thank goodness it wasn't a far fall.

At this point the knot on her head hadn't begun sticking out quite so much and wasn't as blue as it is now. It's progressively gotten worse and now I'm trying to keep her awake despite her desperate attempts to dose off.

She cried for a few seconds and was ready to play again in no time flat. She's one tough cookie, but I'm feeling pretty bad about it. I was only 2 feet away from her and saw the whole thing unfold in slow motion but couldn't get there fast enough. Now she's sporting a cut on the side of her head and an enormous goose egg that looks like some blood vessels are shining through. Even with her battle wounds she's still the cutest little red-headed priss pot I know!


  1. bumps and bruises are just part of it, and they are way harder on us. I hope her head is better already!!! We have really got to get together to sew sometime I have so many started projects, finishing is the biggest task.

  2. I know those bathing suits didn't come from Kmart!? They're too precious!
