Friday, July 4, 2008

Blue Angels

Last weekend was a treat for us because we experienced something we've never seen before...the Huntsville Air Show! J suggested we go, and I was none too thrilled about it but agreed to go for the kids. I can't put my finger on why it didn't sound all that fun to me, maybe because I didn't know what was in store. But I'll be the first to admit that I was WRONG! After seeing the Blue Angels in full force, I have a new found respect! I think we had the best seat in the house...the jets were right in front and above us the entire time. We were right on top of a hill on the side of the interstate and had an incredible view. I don't know if you're like me and aren't really interested in things like this if you've never experienced it, but take a look at these pictures and see if you wouldn't have had just as much fun as we did! It's unbelievable how close those jets are to each other and how fast they fly. I was in awe the entire time!
After the air show, I took the girls to the mall (Bethany had money that was burning a hole in her pocket) and check out this beauty I rented in attempt to keep the younger two contained. I hadn't planned on a trip to the mall and didn't have our stroller. So this 4 foot land yacht was what I had the pleasure of pushing around in complete and utter embarrassment! :) Bethany and I laughed so hard once we got the girls in their seats, we just had to take a picture!

Side note: I cut Towns' hair the other day...I couldn't quite go to her chin, but it's still cute!
Here's the before picture:

And here's the after:

1 comment:

  1. I like the new 'do on Towns!
    I can totally relate to the stroller incident! Except the one at our mall is in the shape of a bright neon CAR! Yes, quite embarrassing with the two seater being that it is huge.....never will forget my stroller again!
