Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Picnic

We opted for a low key 4th of July celebration this year. A picnic in the park for the 4 of us was the only thing on the agenda for the day. We relaxed and did absolutely nothing the rest of the was pure bliss! J talked me into doing something I never do. For the first time in as long as I can remember I didn't load the dishwasher, do laundry, clean anything, pick up a floor full of toys, etc. It took all I could do to restrain myself at first, but after a little while I'd grown rather fond of being lazy! :) We'd planned on going to the big fireworks show at Point Mallard that night, but Towns and Cate were both in bed by 7 p.m. which allowed J and I to enjoy a night to ourselves! Such a treat!

We picked up Bob Gibson's on the way to the of our local faves! Especially for Cate whose personal favorite is their huge sweet teas! Towns shared her tea with her which made for a sweet picture...

After we ate Towns enjoyed the wide open field...she ran until she just couldn't run anymore!

Then her Daddy taught her how to do back flips over his arm...

She was one tired baby and decided to lay down on the quilt and check out the clouds...

We even managed to get the two kiddos still long enough for a few pictures...

Hope you all had a fun 4th! We can't wait for our next 3 day weekend! :)

1 comment:

  1. Tara, What fun! I'm so glad for you to not do a single thing! What fun! The pictures are precious and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Towns new hair cut... she's looking like a big girl now! :) Glad y'all had a great weekend!!
