Friday, July 4, 2008

Sweet Baby Cate

Last Sunday afternoon I took some very sweet pictures of Cate. I absolutely love to watch her and how her little mind works. She gets the most serious look on her face when she's watching something and trying to figure out what it's all about. She sat in front of the fern on the front porch for what seemed like forever feeling the leaves, moving them from one hand to the other, and turning them so she could look at them from all different angles. It's amazing to me that she's learned so much in just 9 short months. I honestly don't understand how someone can look at a baby like I look at Cate and not believe there's a God. I'm so very thankful for my sweet baby Cate!

Click here to see the rest of the pictures (you'll thank me for narrowing it down from about 200 to 42!)...

1 comment:

  1. Precious pictures of Cate and I love Towns new haircut. i posted back to you on my own post then I realized I needed to post it on yours...
    The chair is from good ole TJMaxx, we want to make a pattern of it to make more, I'll let you know if we do. I'm afraid I will never get it back together. The outfit is from Eloise and Henry, I think she still has one in Towns size, maybe and the dress in Cate's size. Give her a call Monday, its Mary James.
