Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Must Love Dogs

Cate loves animals - you name it, she loves it. My friend Amy was over yesterday with Hart and she brought Lulu (Cate's furry friend below)...

Cate was fine with only the hugs until she figured out that she, too, could hold Lulu like a baby...she was so determined to snatch her out of Amy's arms!

We tried explaining to Miss No Patience that Lulu was almost as big as she was and that holding her wasn't the greatest idea. It went over like a lead balloon...

Lulu had had enough of Cate's tricks and hopped in the car to escape, but the dog lover wasn't too far behind! Lulu bolted to the front seat where she knew Cate couldn't get to her, and what's funny about this picture is that Cate is none to happy about it and Lulu has the 'look who's laughing now' glow! :)

I do believe we've got a head strong little lady! The other day the girls and I were at lunch and no less than 10 minutes into the meal the owner of the restaurant had informed me that I had 'a fireball on my hands'. Nice!


  1. too cute! a girl after my own heart! i love a little dog lover... i have one dog who would let Cate hug all over her, and another one who would run and hide! So cute!!! Kisses from Auntie EZ!

  2. hey tara.....patrick was telling me about your t-shirt company and i then i found you on here......great blog! hope the mcclendon's are doing fantastic....the girls are getting so big!
    aka 2RedHens

  3. Too cute! That girl and dogs! You gotta love her. I bet every restaurant in Decatur hates us by now! They are probably like "oh my goodness. here come the mcclendon's!" Ha! I am so excited about all the posts you have done! NO MORE BEING A ONCE A MONTH BLOGGER!
