Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It's hot. Really hot. And 2/3 of my girl crew would prefer being outdoors rather than stuck inside in the nice, cool house (B's always on my side - she has a deep appreciation for air conditioning!). This morning when they were climbing the walls and begging to play outside, I had to think quick. They've been known to have a lot of energy, and they're also known for liking an audience. So I moved the dining room table and we transformed the dining room into a make-shift civic center for a concert.
We had front row seating, which is the only way to go when you're talking concerts...
We had a stage (the only thing Towns wanted for Christmas 2 years ago), a microphone, and a local celebrity to introduce the opening act...

{Side note: She wrote the book on home-made concerts...we've been watching her perform for years now and she's a pro! Usually our front porch is the prime time spot, but since we were all still in towel wraps (unless I get dressed before the kids wake up it's a two hour process) we decided an indoor concert would be best!}
We even had an official curtain opener, whom we'll have to work on because the opening act wasn't very happy when the curtains were opened before she was supposed to make her entrance. It drove Towns crazy, and Cate loved every minute of it!

After a minor meltdown, we talked her into performing despite the mischievous stagehand...

Naturally, Cate needed her turn with the mic and she sang us a new version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star...

Then it was Bethany's turn on the stage...

And the crowd went wild...

They couldn't stand it any longer and rushed the stage...

Cate was worn out from all the excitement, so she and her baby doll were going 'night-night' when she asked her Bebby to join her...

That's exactly how Cate sleeps in her baby bed - with her little knees folded under her. She's done it ever since she was a tiny baby and I love it!

B's the best sister in the world and helps me out when it comes to getting the girls dressed. Towns usually protests everything I iron for her to wear, so B will pretend like she's going to wear it instead which usually does the trick every time. This morning it worked like a charm with getting Cate to wear her pink bow...

Not only is she not too cool to wear bows in order to get her sisters to want to wear them, she's also not too cool to hang out tonight with her boring step-mom! She and I have a date to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic since we missed it in the theaters. She's leaving tomorrow to go to the beach which means we won't see her for over a week...that's a record. And not a fun one! She just came in here to tell me that she just realized that the tons of stuff she was packing meant that she was going to be away for such a long time. SAD! Of course I'm excited she's getting to go head south, but we'll miss her like crazy! She also reminded me that this is the longest she's been away from us since she's been here. Not sure I'm liking the idea, but at least we know she's having fun!
We already miss you, Bebby, and want you to hurry back!!

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