Thursday, July 2, 2009

All My Bags Are Packed

Today little blondie had major excitement in her life! My dad coaches American Legion baseball in Dothan and the team is playing in a tournament not too far from here, so he begged me to let her go spend just one night. She could hardly wait...

Clothes? Check. Toys? Check. Lawn chair? Check. Sunglasses? Check.
Sweet ride that pulls up right outside the house? Double Check.

She hopped on that charter bus so fast, she forgot about her teary-eyed Mom waiting for a hug and maybe even a kiss! She was quickly reminded, though, and ran back down the steps to me...

The rest of us couldn't figure out what to do with ourselves with her gone. So we did the only logical thing we could think of. We went out for ice cream, then Japanese, then a movie...

1 comment:

  1. Oh I miss my Towns! It is so quiet without her! Less than one week til I get my cheer uniforms! OH YEAH! Now who's the first person to comment on your blog? That's right, ME!!!
