Thursday, July 9, 2009

Officially Official!

Today has been monumental in the biggest sense of the word!
I'm not sure you could have wiped the smile off of this girl's face:

And this is why:

We went to her school to pick up all of her cheerleading attire ! She's an officially official cheerleader!
Naturally, a fashion show was high priority when we got home...

B has two little ones who want to be just like her - with good reason. So I knew once they saw her in her cheer outfits they'd be begging for something similar. I was a step ahead of them and had it out before they started asking!

Please check out the poses - I said 'hands on hips, girls' and Cate must have had her head and her hips totally confused!
This next one might give you a little glimpse into what I do all day, every day...

They're the cheerleaders and I'm the official referee. Cate's constantly taking whatever Towns has, Towns is always melting down about it, and Cate's always giving me that devilish look you see here. Go ahead and click the picture to make it bigger so you can get the full affect! And I love Bethany's face here! Priceless!

We're SO proud of you, B! I absolutely cannot wait until cheer camp next week so you can teach me all of your dances!! You know how I am!
Can't wait to see your cute little self on the football field cheering your heart out!


  1. Oh my word! Cate's face is priceless, not mine! That girl is a mess. Andalusia, here we come!

  2. I cannot get over Cate's expression in that last picture...hilarious! I have definitely seen that look a time or two from Ellie!

  3. Love the last picture! Saw the for sale sign...where are you going?
