Monday, July 13, 2009

Art Around the World

Last week Towns went to art camp - something that's right up her alley because she wants to be an artist when she grows up. I've always known that she could stay in the lines when she colors and that she was crafty with paint, but I honestly had know idea what she was capable of doing until we went to their end of the week art gallery on Friday morning. I was one proud mama! Every day they 'went' to a different country - Japan, France, etc. - and she came home saying a few words in their languages and talking about artists like Rousseau and Kandinsky! She really had a great week and that's all thanks to Mrs. Kelly, the fabulous art teacher!

Towns sitting in the circle with Mrs. Kelly

Such a little priss!

Can you spot the real version?

What about this one?

I'm kidding, but she did pretty good to be so young!
This picture of her that Mrs. Kelly took of her painting an egg is one of my favorites...

Vivi and Towns
She might be an artist, but she's also a clown...


  1. So cute! You forgot to mention that she learned stuff that I didn't even know! She did so good at art camp! I am so proud.

  2. Hey! I would like for you to make shirts for John Parker and Sawyer--preferrably a 1st b-day one for Saw-man and a Big Bro/Little Bro for the both of them. Should I go order through your Etsy shop?????
