Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summertime, Summertime!

We've been on the go all summer, and now that it's winding down I'm a little sad that the fun - or maybe I should say being able to do whatever, whenever - is about to come to an end! Not that starting school isn't fun, right B??

We've done lots of art projects...

We've played in the sink a ton which is fabulous entertainment for a toddler...

We've had gymnastics classes...

We've started sporting pigtails...

We've watched a little baseball...

We've gone to a 4 year old check up which meant lots of shots, but this one is a tough cookie...

(still smiling afterwards!)
We've caught up with old friends...

We've celebrated birthdays...

Bethany and Towns worked so hard to keep it all a surprise...

We've had fun in the sun...

(Is it me or does it seem like Cate's always got a cupcake in her mouth and a face full of icing?!)
We've baked and iced our hearts out...

(Towns was so excited because she made the icing and iced the cupcakes all by herself)
We've watched B at cheer camp...

And had 3 handsome little men to play with while we were at it...

We've gone school supply shopping (sorry B for the picture, this was all I had!)

But here are some cute ones as we were heading out the door to do school shopping at Target...

We've gotten our first crush on a very cute little friend and insisted that we leave a note on his doorstep...

(You can barely see her, but she's dropping the note at his door)
We've not had a ton of this...

But that's ok, because all the fun we've had makes up for it!


  1. Since you are replying to me on etsy, I decided to comment. (: You need to do a WHOLE POST about how sweet I am getting Towns a cell phone. Just kidding! Best 16 bucks I have ever spent! I loved the look on her face! (: Such a cute post! I can't believe Towns has a crush! AHH! Me and this boy need to have a talk! HA! Ok, you need to post at least 4 times a week. Come on, you can do it. You don't even have to have pictures. Just write! (: You forgot to mention our pedicure we got! We have got to do that at least once a month!

  2. Ah, the cell've officially ruined her as of today! Now she's going to be coming to YOU for all the things she wants! Start saving that allowance to support her shopping habits because it's all you now, Little Missy! HA! Seriously though, I love how sweet you are to her! Now Cate is a different matter how sweet you are to her you'll always be 'no Bebby'! Relax, I'm KIDDING...she'll come around! :) How did I forget the pedicure?? I'm so glad yours was heaven...I'm still wondering if half of my toes are at Venus Nails! And yes, we must make that a pri-o-rity!! I think I'LL be requesting Chilly next time!

  3. I know who the crush is by the house! Going for the older go Towns!

  4. TT, love seeing what you have been up to. I need you to email me the picture of me and you and Cate, when you have a moment. WHG will be patiently awaiting his prize!!
