Monday, August 3, 2009

Nice Try!

That little missy you see there makes me smile a hundred times a day or more, and lately she's trying out her smooth talking skills which has been hysterical. It's not so easy to keep a straight face when she's doing it, either. One of the funniest ones so far was tonight at 7:45 when she begged and pleaded with me to let her paint a pumpkin (that we bought today because she couldn't wait a minute longer to start decorating for fall - that's a post for a different day). I explained to her that it was way too late to get into a painting project and that we should save it for tomorrow. She ever so dramatically fell to the ground and said 'but pleeeaaaassssse, Mommy, if you just let me paint it would totally save my life!'

Just one of the millions of reason I love that child!


  1. I saw this pic earlier when both girls had on their Baby Lulu. Blair has the same pattern, different outfit! They all need a photo together!

  2. Oh my word! She is going to be a mess when she gets to be a "teamager". Love the picture!
