Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Monday night, J & I took the girls to the circus in Huntsville. They've only been to one circus in their lifetime, including Bethany, which was a tiny Italian circus that came to town a few months ago. And while they thought that one was great since they didn't have anything to compare it to, they saw the real deal (not Barnum & Baileys, but close) this time and were amazed! I have the best memories of going to the circus when I was young, and besides it being a little more expensive and performers wearing a lot less clothing, not much has changed!

Everyone was running to get there as fast as we possibly could...

Except Cate, of course. She's always on her own schedule and is such a slow poke! She was taking her dear, sweet time and enjoying everything around her...

Bethany and Towns were about to die to get inside, so I gave her a lift to speed things up...

Wish it wasn't so blurry!!
The girls as we were going in...

Once we were inside, they absolutely could not wait for it to start!

Can you tell that they're just a little bit excited??

Yours truly wasn't very smart when I chose seats in front of this...

Because for the 30 minutes we were waiting for the show to begin, the younger two were dying to ride!
But they ended up getting these light-up flashing wands...

Which were a small fortune, and in the end I think they would have opted for the elephants instead. We're trying to teach them that they can't have everything, and to just be thankful that we had the opportunity to go the circus. That went over like a lead balloon!
Anyway, on with the show...
We saw lions



And bedazzled elephants (according to B) since they had such sparkly jewelry (according to Towns)

Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks it's hysterical that both Bethany and Towns said 'oh look, they're holding hands'...

On the way home we played the 'if you were in the circus, what would you be' game. Jonathan would have been the guy doing flips on the BMX bike and one of the 3 guys on a motorcycle inside the steel cage ball. Bethany would be the girl who climbs and flips her way up the rope hanging from the ceiling. Towns wants to be the one who does handstands on top of the chairs stacked 30 feet in the air. I wanted to be the girl on the elephant. And we decided that Cate would be the lion tamer. It's a toss up as to who would be taming who, though!!


  1. LOVE the picture of B and Cate. Will you e-mail it to me? And is Towns always posing? Too cute!

  2. So cute! I had a great time at the circus! It was a blast!!! I LOVE that picture of me and Cate! It is adorable! Hope you are having fun at the beach!
