Monday, August 24, 2009

We Love Weekends!

Did anyone else make the most of the gorgeous weather over the weekend?? We were outside the entire time, which completely spoiled us because we're so ready for fall! And to top it all off, it was 55 degrees this morning when Bethany left for just puts me in the best mood!

Bethany had cheer pictures Saturday morning and the practice afterwards, so when she was done we all headed to play.
We did a little of this...

And B worked on her back handspring...

She did it once by herself without realizing it...she'll have it down in no time!
The younger two caught on to what B was doing and had to have a shot at it...

My husband is absolutely the most fun and crazy person I know...

And I love it!

Sunday afternoon after church, we spent a couple of hours at the park by the river where we got pretty excited about seeing a ton of these...

And J played with the girls while B and I got a little sun and read a magazine...

It doesn't get much better than that!
Oh, and last night B planned a pj party while we watched the Miss Universe pageant. She made the cutest invitations, slaved in the kitchen making cupcakes, fixed popcorn with M&Ms (our fave), and even had gift bags for her guests. Towns got purple nail polish and I got new earrings! Thanks for the fun night, B!

Just keep your phone close by for when the agents of those contestants call us for our advice. We were full of it, right?! And Spencer called for you. He said he heard that you had some feedback on Heidi's performance. I told him you had some new moves for her. HA!


  1. Ok, your husband and my husband must have a "jump" off because I think they tie for the most fun dads in the whole world! Loved catching up as always!

  2. I love that your husband is the one spotting B with her back handsprings!! Impressive. :) What a great daddy!
