Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Beaches and Ballgames

It's September 10th...8 days after I first started this post. Can anyone find more hours to add to my day so that I could finish everything I start? Maybe it's more about time management. I'll think about that later!

A couple of weeks ago, Bethany cheered at her first football game which was such a big day! We'd been waiting for what seemed like years to see her in her uniform doing those cheers, and she was fabulous. She looked like an old pro!
Waiting for the team to run onto the field...

Is it crazy that I had tears running down my face at this point?

That was the moment that it hit me - it had all come full circle. All the craziness of getting ready for tryouts, being so nervous about getting the results (but knowing she'd done her best!), cheer camp, hours upon hours of practicing after school, and then finally seeing her on the field in her element. It was unbelievable!
Here she is in action...

This is one of my favorite dances - if you know me, you know I do the dances and cheers at home all the time. Usually the girls are sitting on the stools at the counter in the kitchen and I'm entertaining them while they eat or do their arts & crafts. I got the ultimate compliment/insult the other day from Towns...she told me I was so silly! Love it!

The girls always try to be just like their Bebby, and that night was no different!

When they weren't busy cheering, they were very much into Bethany's brother, Reid...

Cate and her Uncle Lance playing around...

After the game, we got the girls in their pj's and headed to the beach for a long weekend with my Dad...

We thought we had the master plan - leave that night so that the girls would sleep all the way. They're not huge fans of riding in the car for any more than 10 minutes, so we just knew that driving all night would be the solution. Ummm, wrong! Jonathan and I should know by now that our children have minds of their own. At 3:30 a.m. when we finally got to the beach, they had not slept a bit and were begging to go put their feet in the sand. They finally settled down around 4:30 and were up and at 'em by 7 o'clock that morning! So much for a genius plan!!
But it was well worth it because they had a blast...

Sharing secrets - wish I knew what was so funny!

Click the picture to make it bigger so that you can see the sea gull eating out of Cate's hand...

Thanks for a fun weekend, Paw Paw!


  1. That first picture of Cate walking toward the beach could be a Coppertone ad! Too cute!

  2. Those pics are too too sweet! And way to go B! Miss you!

  3. Great pics! I would have shot that darn seagull! I can't stand those things.

  4. Love the pics of the girls laying in the sand talking, priceless!!

  5. Great pics of your bathing beauties at the beach!! So fun. Nice work Bethany. I miss those days of cheering!!!


  6. Such cute pictures! You should seriously send the one of Cate into a sunscreen place. It could so make it on a commercial!
