Thursday, October 1, 2009

Party Time

Saturday was supposed to be a gorgeous day to accommodate Cate's birthday party in the park. However, when the forecasted monsoon hit that morning we had to make alternate plans! My Aunt Melissa knew I was distraught about having to cancel the party, so she offered to let us move the party to her house in Montgomery on Sunday afternoon. Given the fact that the Weather Channel promised sun in Montgomery and that it's a whole lot closer for everyone to rendezvous there rather than in Decatur, we took her up on it! Sunday morning all 5 of us squeezed - literally - into a VW Bug at the crack of dawn. J can drive different cars home from work and since the girls have been into 'punchbuggies' lately, he spiced up their world and has been driving one for a few days (thank goodness he's getting his big 4-door truck back today!!). We took the party on the road in the Birthday Mobile which was quite a sight! Five humans in a 4 sq. ft. space for a 6 hour round-trip gives a whole new meaning to togetherness! We could have complained (and some of us did) the entire time, but let's look at the positive...we were making memories! :)
Happy birthday to YOU! Who, me? Yes, you!
She couldn't quite figure out why we were singing to her!!

B was trying so hard to get a picture with the birthday girl, but all she got was a fist in the face!

Because Cate only had one thing on her mind. Cupcakes! And cupcakes she had...about 12 of them!!

Next came presents! Good thing the birthday elves ready and waiting to help her dig in...

She got new clothes, a new purse, a doll house, a Fancy Nancy doll, and lots of other fun surprises!

After the presents came the pool...

The birthday girl in her birthday suit...

Don't worry, Grandmommy got her clothed and ready to take a dip! And Pop was right there ready to help her in...

The swimming didn't last too very long because Fancy Nancy was calling her name...

Grandmommy and Cate playing...

Cate got to hear all of Mary Catherine's secrets...

She didn't share them with me, though!

It was a relaxing afternoon with all our family, and I wish we could do it more often!

PawPaw and Cate

The peanut gallery solving the world's problems...

YaYa, Pappy and Cate

One more for the road...

This was Cate a little while ago. She was so tired she was climbing the bed rails trying to get in! Bless her!

1 comment:

  1. Can't remember how I found your blog, but I enjoy reading about your adventures with your beautiful girls. (Oh, I remember now; I think Darby linked to you one time.) Love to hear that you y'all have a Grandmommy too. That's what my boys call my mom!
