Monday, October 26, 2009

Party in the BJCC

Friday afternoon Bethany and I headed south for a...

Months and months ago she asked to go to the Miley Cyrus concert for her birthday, which is actually in November, but since Miley was coming to Birmingham late October we said...

My mom and sister met us there, and we all headed in to sit back and be amazed.
This wasn't our first rodeo....we've done this before.
And just like last time, seeing her in person was absolutely unbelievable. That girl is pure talent from head to toe, and B and I were ever so thankful that she chose to share herself with the world! Just when you think she can't top what we've already seen, she goes and does something like this...

That's her singing (the oldie but goody) I Love Rock and Roll atop a red motorcycle that's hanging from the ceiling by wires and she's floating all over the BJCC above screaming fans!
Oh, and then there's this...

She's wearing the fluffiest dress you've ever seen while driving an off-road vehicle down stairs and to the front of the stage during Fly On the Wall. Insanity!
And apparently we're not the only ones who love her...

There's from the Black Eyed Peas giving her a shout out!
I've never been too shy to admit how much I love MC. Even the OOC crew gets little Miley treats on their annual soundtracks, right girls?! They don't love her nearly as much as I do, but they're sweet about not giving me grief over being completely in awe over a 16 year old. So to say that B and I equally share the love, that's no exaggeration.
I secretly hope she keeps this birthday request coming for years.
We screamed, we danced, we picked our jaws up off the floor a hundred times.
We laughed, we cried (well almost - just the sight of her usually makes us go into hysterics), we waited forever in front of these just hoping to get a glimpse of her...

We had the best afternoon and night ever, and we would both do it over again a million times just to hear MC sing Party in the USA in person!!
Speaking of...

April, that one's for you!

The bottom line is that the girl's just good...

And I'll end with this one...

Want to take a guess at what they're doing? Does Thriller ring a bell? It was just the intro, but unbelievable none the less!
Thanks for a fun night, B! It was one of my favorites by far!! When MC goes on tour again, we've got a date!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And B screaming in the background is priceless! That's insane! The girl is brilliant (in her singing/entertaining ability - I'm not much of a fan of hers where the acting is concerned)! Count me in next time! It's a must!

  2. I LOVED this post!! I always love reading what y'all are up to b/c y'all make the most of everything, but looks like you love MC like Ashley and I heart Taylor!! Girl, we're crazy about that 19 year old!! We jam to her on our trips to Hartselle with our boys in the backseat :). I might need to become a Miley fan after reading this. I could get into that!
